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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: BOSTON   BOSTON EmptyLun 20 Aoû - 19:07

BOSTON - Brad Delp’s Gals, Kids Ready To Spar

The following report is courtesy of Gayle Fee and Laura Raposa from

While friends and fans did the Come Together thing at a Brad Delp tribute concert last night, the late BOSTON singer’s family has More Than A Feeling that Delp never meant to leave his house and all his personal possessions to a woman he hadn’t seen in 11 years.

The children of the singer, who committed suicide in March, have hired an attorney to challenge a trust Delp set up in 1996 leaving the aforementioned property to Patricia Komor, an ex-galpal who lived with Delp for six years and who he helped put through law school.

“I feel an obligation to Brad,” said Delp’s ex-wife Micki, who was married to the singer for 16 years before they split in 1991 and who is the mother of his two kids, Jennifer, 26, and John Michael, 22. “This is not what he would have wanted. We are prepared to take this all the way.”

According to Micki, the trust was established when Komor was living with Delp and studying to become an attorney. (She now works as counsel for the IRS in Colorado). There were no copies of the trust in documents Delp left in his New Hampshire house and Micki is convinced he had completely forgotten about its existence.

Just prior to his suicide, she said, Brad called her - as he often did before going out on tour - and discussed “the state of his affairs should anything happen to him,” she said.

“Brad said that he hadn’t changed anything since years ago and the kids would inherit everything,” Micki said. But the singer added that - should anything happen - he hoped the kids would allow his fiancee, Pamela Sullivan, to continue to live in the house and that if the property was sold the kids would split the proceeds with her.

However, under the terms of the trust, the house goes to Komor along with all his personal property, including a car his son had been driving and a piano he had promised to his daughter.

What’s more, the trust stipulates that the property be transferred to Komor free and clear of any debt. Which means that Delp’s kids have to pay off the mortgage and car loan out of what’s left of his estate. And it leaves Sullivan out in the cold with nothing.

“I know that he wouldn’t do that,” Micki said. “He would never do that to Pam.”

Komor didn’t return our calls or e-mails.

Dennis Dillon, the attorney for Delp’s kids, said that they are in the process of digging through all their father’s documents to see if there is anything that supercedes the trust. If not, their legal recourse would be to argue that Delp wasn’t in his right mind when he made the trust or was subject to undue influence. However, they face an uphill battle in New Hampshire where the laws governing wills are rather strict.

Read more here.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: BOSTON   BOSTON EmptyMar 18 Sep - 21:45

quelques news du band avec la mise en ligne d'une séance de repet avec Michael Sweet, c'était pour l'hommage à Brad Delp, voici le titre :

puis le concert filmé par un fan :

BOSTON guitarist/leader Tom Scholz has issued the following update:

"We are trying to repair and mix the audio recording of BOSTON's performance at the Brad Delp tribute show [which was held on August 19 at the Bank Of America Pavilion in Boston, Massachusetts]. For unknown reasons, BOSTON's gear was moved and uncabled following our soundcheck. This, coupled with a minimal set change time, resulted in numerous technical problems during our performance, and even necessitated starting the set without Michael Sweet's [STRYPER singer; one of the guest musicians appearing at the event] guitar. Because there are missing or damaged tracks that will be troublesome in a stereo mixdown, this may require considerable effort in our studio, which is set up exclusively for BOSTON recording, editing and mixing. Two recordings were made — one into our normal live taping system and one into a professional A/V company computer. We have been unable to get the computer files converted to a form that can be used in our system. The recording on our own tape was reduced to an unacceptable level due to the interconnection with all the additional show and A/V gear. There was insufficient time to check and reset these levels, or to perform a full line check before BOSTON took the stage. In the meantime, while we try to sort this out, we thought that we would share this version of 'More than a Feeling', from a rehearsal session. This is from the first time that Michael Sweet rehearsed with Tom, Gary [Pihl, guitar], Kimberley [Dahme, bass] and Jeff [Neal, drums] together. For your information, this was an informal stereo recording, and the mix levels and quality are not up to professional standards."
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