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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: BOSTON   BOSTON EmptySam 27 Déc - 1:03

BOSTON Issue Year-End Update

BOSTON T103457 Classic rockers BOSTON have updated their official website with the following:

"As the year winds down, we reflect on the incredible experience that we had this summer, and are grateful for our fans that made it all possible. Scroll down to see a photo gallery by Bob Summers where he captures a concert from load-in to load-out. Enter the Main site for an updated History Page.

Last month, Gary, Michael and Tom attended the kick off party for Kidz B Kidz at Children’s Hospital Boston to celebrate the launch of the Kidz B Kidz line, which is a non-profit organization that engages children in giving back through art to children with serious illnesses. Their art is transformed into textile designs used in a series of high-end product lines available in stores and online at . All proceeds from the sale of their items benefit Children’s Hospital Boston and CureSearch National Childhood Cancer Foundation."

Read more and check out the above mentioned concert pics and History page at this location.
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