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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: LITA FORD   LITA FORD EmptyLun 6 Aoû - 19:24

LITA FORD Scam Thwarted has issued the following report from Tina Amendola:

"A scam artist promising nationally touring acts at bargain-basement prices to clubs since last year is still at it and claiming to represent LITA FORD.

One con was stopped short July 10 thanks to a Texas club owner who followed his instincts when the offer sounded too good to be true.

Bill Winter, co-owner of the 250-capacity Flying Pig Roadhouse in Lake Dallas, said the alleged con artist, using the name Michael Saltzman of United Entertainment, called his club out of the blue June 5 and pitched Ford for an August 3rd show.

"He was very slick, very smooth. He knew the lingo," Winter told Pollstar. "It was hard to get a word in edgewise but he left you just enough room to feel comfortable that he might be a booking agent as opposed to a scam artist.

"I used to broker municipal bonds and worked on Wall Street for a number of years and I know the type. He'd make a heck of a salesman."

Read the full story at Pollstar.
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