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 FALCONER Comment On Wacken Open Air Photos

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: FALCONER Comment On Wacken Open Air Photos   FALCONER Comment On Wacken Open Air  Photos EmptyMer 8 Aoû - 0:05

FALCONER Comment On Wacken Open Air Appearance; Photos Available

FALCONER guitarist Stefan Weinerhall has issued the following message:

"So, after Wacken we can only say WOW!!!!

We had a blast before, during and after the show. Great to see so many of you there, we can't wait to return.

The deadly boring car ride home was only lit up by the memories from what we had experianced. During one of the days we had a small trip out to the camping site and got to see what all metal fans have to withstand to see their favourite bands. The filth, the stench and the utter chaos!

Now we have MetalHeart festival in Norway left to do and then it's full concentration on the new material."

Meanwhile, the band have posted photos from their Wacken Open Air performance at this location.

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