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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: MEGADETH , LACUNA COIL   MEGADETH , LACUNA COIL EmptyDim 2 Sep - 23:13

MEGADETH Mainman To Formally Ask LACUNA COIL Singer To Duet On Upcoming Australia Gigantour

MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine has issued the following update:


Yesterday was a great day at rehearsal, and I am getting ready to head back up again today for more preparing for the tour. I am excited to hear how our new crew additions are/will settle in. And I love the drive up the coast.

I had to get new wheels and tires for all of the distance I am driving back and forth from SD to LA, and I wanna say thanks to Modern Auto and to you for getting my wheels. I will hopefully take a picture soon and show you, in case you wanna catch me.

And I hoped you liked the call from rehearsal yesterday that went out to all my SayNow friends; I am going to do it again today and I welcome your messages helping me pick songs and stuff. I also want to send out individual replies, and I will, but right now I am focusing on preparing for the tour.

Meanwhile, we did ATLM yesterday, and . . . I will formally ask Ms. Scabbia (LACUNA COIL singer), so I can get an answer for you if she would like to do a duet with me in Australia :-)

That's it for now. I am off to make some coffee! My new favorite is Peruvian Dark, go figure. I should open a coffee stand that has my personal coffee blend! We'll make tables out of the oil barrels on the cover and the tires from my CLS as tables!!!

Have a great weekend; party hearty, play hard, but stay safe."

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