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 z Rock 2008 -

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Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: z Rock 2008 -   z Rock 2008 - EmptyMar 6 Nov - 2:08

Z Rock 08 - STORMZONE Confirmed 2007

z Rock 2008 - 77018

STORMZONE are the latest band to join the line up for Z Rock 08. The line-up is now as follows: BONFIRE, VON GROOVE, STORMZONE and BURN. Further acts will be announced shortly.

Z Rock 08 tickets are currently on sale here at a special early bird discounted rate of £40 (plus recorded delivery) until November 11th. Tickets will go on general sale at various outlets on November 12th priced at £45 each (booking fee may apply).

Z Rock 08 sees the festival staged on April 20th at Maximes, Wigan. For further info call +44 [0]7724 606920 or visit .
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