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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

YNGWIE MALMSTEEN Official MySpace Empty
MessageSujet: YNGWIE MALMSTEEN Official MySpace   YNGWIE MALMSTEEN Official MySpace EmptyVen 9 Nov - 19:51

YNGWIE MALMSTEEN Opens Official MySpace Page

YNGWIE MALMSTEEN has opened an official MySpace page at this location.

YNGWIE MALMSTEEN Official MySpace 77187

According to his bio: "Yngwie Malmsteen is one of rock's premiere virtuoso guitarists. Along with STEVE VAI, JOE SATRIANI, EDDIE VAN HALEN, and a handful of others, Yngwie has dominated the world of solo guitar for two decades. When he was barely 20, Yngwie exploded onto the music scene with his jaw-dropping technique of lightning fast harmonic minor scalar riffing. His 1984 album, Yngwie J. Malmsteen's Rising Force, established seemingly overnight the style now referred to a neo-classical melodic rock. A legend in both style and technique, Yngwie's long career reach new heights when his totally classical work for orchestra and solo electric guitar, Concerto Suite, was released, proving that his classical credentials were genuine. A respected musician among both his peers and his fans, Yngwie continues to play and compose at a level of mastery that many career
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