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 TESTAMENT - New Album

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

TESTAMENT - New Album Empty
MessageSujet: TESTAMENT - New Album   TESTAMENT - New Album EmptySam 17 Nov - 17:34

TESTAMENT - New Album Title Confirmed

TESTAMENT - New Album 77742

Bay Area thrash legends TESTAMENT have confirmed that the title of their new record will be The Formation Of Damnation. According to a band update, the album "is being recorded as we speak! They are currently recording the drum tracks with Andy Sneap at Fantasy Studios, in Berkeley, California. More details, studio reports and pics coming soon... stay tuned!"

Testament 2007 features the originating classic thrash legends Chuck Billy on vocals, Alex Skolnick on lead guitar, Eric Peterson on rhythm guitar and Greg Christian on bass. Paul Bostaph (ex-SLAYER, EXODUS) was recently named as the band's drummer.

The Formation Of Damnation is tentatively scheduled for a spring 2008 release via Nuclear Blast.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

TESTAMENT - New Album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: TESTAMENT - New Album   TESTAMENT - New Album EmptyJeu 22 Nov - 3:14

TESTAMENT - Studio Pics Posted

Bay Area thrash legends TESTAMENT have posted some photos from Fantasy Studios in Berkeley, California, where the band are recording their forthcoming new album, The Formation Of Damnation, with Andy Sneap (MACHINE HEAD, EXODUS). Check out the photos at this location.

Testament 2007 features the originating classic thrash legends Chuck Billy on vocals, Alex Skolnick on lead guitar, Eric Peterson on rhythm guitar and Greg Christian on bass. Paul Bostaph (ex-SLAYER, EXODUS) was recently named as the band's drummer.

The Formation Of Damnation is tentatively scheduled for a spring 2008 release via Nuclear Blast.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

TESTAMENT - New Album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: TESTAMENT - New Album   TESTAMENT - New Album EmptyDim 9 Déc - 17:10

TESTAMENT - New Album Img_1197061012_229

Le nouvel album de TESTAMENT, "The Formation of Damnation", est prévu pour le 29 avril 2008 sur le label Nuclear Blast. Le groupe compte dorénavant dans ses rangs Paul Bostaph (Slayer, Exodus) à la batterie, Alex Skolnick (hip, hip hip...) et Eric Peterson aux guitares, Greg Christian à la basse et forcément Chuck Billy au chant.
Année 2008 année du trash !
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