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 BLACK SABBATH Drummer Recites

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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BLACK SABBATH Drummer Recites 'Twas The Night Before Christmas'; Audio Clip Available

BLACK SABBATH Drummer Recites T78800 is reporting:

"Tis the season to be jolly and at Classic Rock Revisited that means bringing something cool and unique to our readers. This year we asked several of our musician friends to recite the classic Christmas poem 'Twas The Night Before Christmas'. They did an amazing job! Check out BLACK SABBATH's BIll Ward reading the poem here!

He did a great job! Every few days during the holiday season we will add to the list. We have members of the HEART, BOSTON, URIAH HEEP, KROKUS, THE TUBES, TOWER OF POWER and more all coming your way. So be sure to keep checking back at to see what has been added! Merry Christmas to all and keep on rocking!"

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BLACK SABBATH Drummer Recites
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