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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: HELIX   HELIX EmptyLun 3 Déc - 23:21

HELIX Sign With Feldman & Associates

HELIX 78847

HELIX's Brian Vollmer has posted the following update:

"This week we made a major move to The Sam Feldman Agency to represent us across Canada and in the U.S. We will no longer be represented by Bernie Aubin & Canadian Classic Rock in western Canada. However, we would like to state our appreciation and thanks to Bernie for all those years of booking the band.

Our first date has already come in through Feldman: February 15th at a venue T.B.A. in Orangeville with April Wine & Kim Mitchell.

Helix’s last three dates (Molly Blooms/Kitchener, The Prosvita Club/Thunder Bay, and The Lake of the Woods Hotel/Kenora) have all been sell-outs. This looks fantastic on the band. Many thanks to Gary Kelly of Molly Blooms, KOOL FM in Kitchener, The Prosvita Club in Thunder Bay, The GIANT in Thunder Bay, Q104 in Kenora, and lastly the Lake of the Woods Hotel in Kenora. This is a good time to be switching booking agencies as this is the time of the year when promoters book the summer festivals. The agent representing us at Feldman’s will be Jason Furman, and he’s indicated to me that he’s going to try and get the band out to eastern Canada in March. This would be great as we are getting airplay in the Maritimes on the first single 'Get Up!' on FRED FM in Fredericton,N.B., K-Rock in St. John’s, Nfld, and 105.5 in Charlottetown. The last time we were out through the marketplace was two years ago on the ALICE COOPER Tour, so it’s time to return."

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