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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

HELIX - Empty
MessageSujet: HELIX -   HELIX - EmptyDim 30 Déc - 23:13

HELIX - Year End Review Available

HELIX mainman Brian Vollmer has issued an all-encompassing year-end review. "2007 turned out to be one of the best in Helix’s 33 year existence," says the singer. To check out a month-by-month breakdown "of a fantastic year" click here.

Helix recently inked a management deal with The Sam Feldman Agency to represent the band across Canada and in the US.
Helix perform on February 15th at a venue tba in Orangeville, ON with APRIL WINE and KIM MITCHELL.

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