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 M.A.N - New Song Featuring FEAR FACTORY Frontman

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: M.A.N - New Song Featuring FEAR FACTORY Frontman   M.A.N - New Song Featuring FEAR FACTORY Frontman EmptyLun 31 Déc - 13:47

M.A.N - New Song Featuring FEAR FACTORY Frontman Available

M.A.N - New Song Featuring FEAR FACTORY Frontman 80420

M.A.N, the act featuring MNEMIC frontman Tony Jelencovich and members of TRANSPORT LEAGUE, have posted the song 'My Own Sickness' featuring Burton C. Bell (FEAR FACTORY, ASCENSION OF THE WATCHERS) as a guest on their MySpace page.

The song comes from the Swedish band's new album, Peacenemy, due out early next year via Hoffa Communications.
Tracks to appear on Peacenemy include:
'Worn Wings',
'Blood Vanish',
'My Own Sickness',
'Body Sewer',
'Harness The Mind',
'44 Teeth',
'Hacker Saipens',
'Dead Universe',
'Kill It',
'Lay Down, You're Dead',
'Eyes Bled,
Tears Shed'.

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