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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: CIRCUS DIABLO   CIRCUS DIABLO EmptyMer 2 Jan - 18:45

CIRCUS DIABLO Frontman / CAMP FREDDY Founder Issues 2007 Recap - "I Realize How Ridiculously Lucky And Blessed I Am"

CIRCUS DIABLO T80508 CIRCUS DIABLO frontman Billy Morrison has issued the following update:

"Another year has ripped by in a flash, and I sit here in the desert, reflecting on what actually went down over the last twelve months. Significantly for me, the Circus Diablo album was released and well received. It was a record that took years to form in my head, and less than two months to actually make – and it feels great to have given birth to it at last. The single (and subsequent video) did great stuff and for that we are all proud. The touring was shorter than we would have liked but what we did, we totally enjoyed. The Ozzfest dates were a complete blast. It felt good to be out there playing to audiences that love rock music. Whatever happens next for Circus Diablo, I am proud to have experienced 2007 in that band. Lets see what the new year has in store for V2.0.

Camp Freddy spent another year on the radio, played a few shows, appeared at a couple of benefits and generally had a low profile year due to everyone being extremely busy elsewhere. CF is another band that I am extremely proud of, and by its very nature can have a quiet year and still blow the roof off any venue when we get together. Plans for the record, the book, the bar, the TV show and the lunchbox (not really but you get my drift!) are still all there, in place, and firmly ready to happen when we all end up in the same place, the stars align, and the timing seems right. Until then, I am sure that 2008 will see more live performances from the Camp Freddy brand.

There were many other events, achievements and occurrences that made 2007 a wonderful year. In the short term, I can get bogged down in how tough a certain business thing is, how hard it is to raise the money for something, how frustrating a particular situation is ….. and then when I look at all these highlights, and the many others that came and went this year, I realize how ridiculously lucky and blessed I am. How my life really is the wonderfully creative, entertainment filled one that I always dreamed of. How I have to truly appreciate and embrace each day as it comes because its happening for me right now, this minute. This is it. This is the life I wanted. This is the life I have. This is my life. And I fucking love it. Thank you to each and every one of you for being a part of it. Happy New Year."

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