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 ICED EARTH Seek Live Photos From 2004

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ICED EARTH Seek Live Photos From 2004 Empty
MessageSujet: ICED EARTH Seek Live Photos From 2004   ICED EARTH Seek Live Photos From 2004 EmptyMer 23 Jan - 23:46

ICED EARTH Seek Live Photos From 2004's "Gettysburg" Performances

<DIV class=content>ICED EARTH have issued the following:

"Greetings Children of the Night!

Iced Earth is looking for live photos taken during the 2004 performances of the epic Gettysburg trilogy during "he Glorious Burden tour. We are specifically looking for live photos showing the two custom-decorated Les Paul studio guitars being played during the trilogy by Jon Schaffer and Ralph Santolla. Each of the guitars is adorned with a flag (one Union, one Confederate) flown during the Battle of Gettysburg. While we have photos of the guitars in the studio setting, we would like to obtain concert photos of these guitars that are part of the history of Iced Earth.

Both of these guitars are going to be put up for sale (as a set) in a forthcoming public auction to be coordinated by Ray's Guitars. Jon will be donating 100% of the winning bid to the Wounded Warrior Project, which is a non-profit organization who's mission is: "To raise awareness and enlist the public's aid for the needs of severely injured service men and women, to help severely injured service members aid and assist each other, and to provide unique, direct programs and services to meet their needs."

The motto of the Wounded Warrior Project is that, "The Greatest Casualty is Being Forgotten."

We would like to use some of the live concert photos described above to help promote the upcoming auction. Details of the auction are not yet finalized, but will soon be made public on the Official Iced
Earth Website
as well as other music-related websites soon as they are finalized.

Any photos would be greatly appreciated. If we use your photos, you will be given a photo credit and some free PR on Please e-mail a link to any photos you have posted online to: You may also e-mail any digital photos directly to that e-mail address.

For more information on the Wounded Warrior Project, please visit their
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ICED EARTH Seek Live Photos From 2004
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