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 CAGE - Planning Hell Destroyer Follow-Up

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

CAGE - Planning Hell Destroyer Follow-Up Empty
MessageSujet: CAGE - Planning Hell Destroyer Follow-Up   CAGE - Planning Hell Destroyer Follow-Up EmptyDim 23 Mar - 13:03

CAGE - Planning Hell Destroyer Follow-Up

CAGE - Planning Hell Destroyer Follow-Up T86003 In Florida as headliners of the Nightmare Metal Fest - being held this weekend (March 21st/22nd at Bourbon Street in New Port Richey, FL - San Diego power metallers CAGE gave BW&BK a sneak peak at three songs for the next platter. While mere demos at this point, the trio were heavy quick hitters, in the vein of 'Rise Of The Beast'. The band plan to keep the Hell Destroyer production team intact. Live, the current Cage set blisters, featuring the likes of 'Shoot To Kill', 'Metal Devil', the bonus track homage 'King Diamond' and 'Final Solution'.
(Cage at last night's Nightmare Metal Fest - Photo by Mark Gromen)
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