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 DEEP PURPLE Reunion Shows With Ritchie Blackmore -

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

DEEP PURPLE Reunion Shows With Ritchie Blackmore - Empty
MessageSujet: DEEP PURPLE Reunion Shows With Ritchie Blackmore -   DEEP PURPLE Reunion Shows With Ritchie Blackmore - EmptyVen 18 Avr - 19:16

DEEP PURPLE Reunion Shows With Ritchie Blackmore - "It Is Not Going To Happen" Management Says

DEEP PURPLE Reunion Shows With Ritchie Blackmore - T87688 The RAINBOW Fanclan Legacy ran a news piece this week stating that Radio London claimed that the "original" Deep Purple line-up will reunite later this year for three shows at London's O2 Arena. This was apparently reported on Danny Baker's show and said that it would include Ritchie Blackmore.

In regards to the rumour that Ritchie Blackmore will play three dates with Deep Purple this year, BLACKMORE'S NIGHT band manager Carole Stevens said: "It is not happening and it is not going to happen."
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