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 DEEP PURPLE Bassist Nick Simper's Mk1 Tribute Shows......

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

DEEP PURPLE Bassist Nick Simper's Mk1 Tribute Shows...... Empty
MessageSujet: DEEP PURPLE Bassist Nick Simper's Mk1 Tribute Shows......   DEEP PURPLE Bassist Nick Simper's Mk1 Tribute Shows...... EmptySam 27 Déc - 14:28

DEEP PURPLE Bassist Nick Simper's Mk1 Tribute Shows In Austria

According to the DEEP PURPLE Appreciation Society, former Deep Purple bassist Nick Simper was due to play three Mk1 tribute shows in Austria and Germany during November with Austrian rock band NASTY HABITS. All three had to be cancelled, however Nasty Habits drummer Peter Brkusic has now announced that two Austrian shows have been rescheduled for the Orpheum, Graz on March 11th and Reige, Vienna on March 14th. The set list will be comprised entirely of Mk1 (guitarist Ritchie Blackmore, keyboardist Jon Lord, bassist Nick Simper, drummer Ian Paice, singer Rod Evans) tracks.
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DEEP PURPLE Bassist Nick Simper's Mk1 Tribute Shows......
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