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 LARS ERIC MATTSSON - New Interview Available

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: LARS ERIC MATTSSON - New Interview Available   LARS ERIC MATTSSON - New Interview Available EmptyLun 12 Mai - 22:32

LARS ERIC MATTSSON - New Interview Available

LARS ERIC MATTSSON - New Interview Available T89357 Spain's Hall Of Metal has issued an interview with guitarist LARS ERIC MATTSSON. The following is an excerpt:

Q: We have been without a Mattsson album for three years, what have you been doing during this time?

A: "I released the side project BOOK OF REFLECTION's second album Chapter II: Unfold The Future amongst other things but work on Dream Child has taken a lot of my time, and during the last 2 years I have had some bad family related issues to deal with but that’s all over now. I don’t want to discuss them…"

Read the complete interview at Hall Of Metal.
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