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 METALLICA Drummer Lars Ulrich

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

METALLICA Drummer Lars Ulrich Empty
MessageSujet: METALLICA Drummer Lars Ulrich   METALLICA Drummer Lars Ulrich EmptyLun 5 Jan - 1:34

METALLICA Drummer Lars Ulrich Talks About His Favourite Music Of 2008

METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich was asked by what his favourite music of 2008 was. His response was as follows:

"We're fortunate to have this heavy-metal band from Austin out playing with us, and we've got them playing shows on our days off so that we can go see them. I'm a product of British metal - IRON MAIDEN, SAXON, ANGEL WITCH - and THE SWORD sound like the definitive new wave of British heavy metal, which is interesting coming from four guys from Texas. The arrangements, the intros and outros, the middle eights and that type of stuff, it reminds me of DEEP PURPLE, BLACK SABBATH or JUDAS PRIEST. They're not really a young Metallica, but that's because they're cooler than we were."
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METALLICA Drummer Lars Ulrich
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