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 METALLICA Drummer Lars Ulrich

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

METALLICA Drummer Lars Ulrich Empty
MessageSujet: METALLICA Drummer Lars Ulrich   METALLICA Drummer Lars Ulrich EmptySam 6 Sep - 22:55

METALLICA Drummer Lars Ulrich Thanks The Fans On YouTube

METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich has posted a message on YouTube for the fans, congratulating YouTube users "for their great versions of Metallica songs" submitted to the band's YouTube channel. Check it out below.

Metallica's new album, Death Magnetic, will be released on September 12th.

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

METALLICA Drummer Lars Ulrich Empty
MessageSujet: Re: METALLICA Drummer Lars Ulrich   METALLICA Drummer Lars Ulrich EmptyMer 17 Sep - 16:50

METALLICA Drummer Lars Ulrich - "I Hope Somebody Will Come And Steal The Thunder From Us - It Hasn't Happened Yet"

According to, METALLICA are desperate for an upcoming band to "steal their thunder" and knock them off the top of the charts.

The band topped the U.K album charts this week with their new LP Death Magnetic.

But drummer Lars Ulrich is surprised the band is still popular and hopes a new breed of rockers will replace them in the charts.

He says, "I hope somebody will come and steal the thunder from us. It hasn't happened yet.

"It's amazing people are still so occupied with us.

"There are some incredible young bands out there... but unlike older guys IRON MAIDEN, (BLACK) SABBATH or AC/DC they don't have the timelessness or the history which seems to play a factor."
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METALLICA Drummer Lars Ulrich
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