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 Britain's Rock & Blues Custom Show 25th Anniversary

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

Britain's Rock & Blues Custom Show 25th Anniversary Empty
MessageSujet: Britain's Rock & Blues Custom Show 25th Anniversary   Britain's Rock & Blues Custom Show 25th Anniversary EmptyJeu 29 Mai - 19:40

Britain's Rock & Blues Custom Show 25th Anniversary Organizers - "...Business As Usual"

The following is a final statement from One Percent Entertainments Group concerning the organisation of the 25th Annual Rock & Blues Custom Show.

"As of today, the 28th May 2008 the event premises license as been re-issued to Amber Valley District Council and we fully intend to be moving the event back to its spiritual home of Coney Grey Showground Pentrich Derbyshire.

One Percent Entertainments Group and its legal representatives will be fighting this license application all the way over previous representations made from the Derbyshire constabulary as to why we formerly withdrew our application for RBCS 25 at Catton Hall. Since then we feel those concerns do not exist.

We would like to again thank the many thousands of people who have emailed their best wishes and continued support towards this 25th milestone event. We appreciate that lots of people have been confused about what as actually been going on in the background but it has been difficult due to legal reasons to fully explain everything but we want to thank everyone for their patience and we want to reassure anyone who has purchased tickets for this event that they will remain valid for the event which will take place on the same dates as previously advertised, which are 24th – 27th July 2008.

One Percent Entertainments Group are completely and utterly dedicated to making RBCS 25 work and run again this year as one of the safest festivals in the UK and are drafting in some of the UK’s leading public entertainment specialist company’s in the country to ensure its smooth and orderly running, “no news there then, just business as usual”.

We would like to remind the general public that this event has an impeccable safety record and in 24 years of history as never suffered any occasions of public disorder. The event website will be up and running again in its entirety later this week where you can keep up to date with developments as they happen."
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