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 PRIMAL FEAR Issue Post-Sweden Rock Festival

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

PRIMAL FEAR Issue Post-Sweden Rock Festival Empty
MessageSujet: PRIMAL FEAR Issue Post-Sweden Rock Festival   PRIMAL FEAR Issue Post-Sweden Rock Festival EmptyMar 10 Juin - 2:18

PRIMAL FEAR Issue Post-Sweden Rock Festival Update

PRIMAL FEAR Issue Post-Sweden Rock Festival T91180 PRIMAL FEAR have issued the following update:

"We're back from a killer week in Sweden, saw a lot of fantastic bands, met a lot of good friends and had an unbelievable show - thanks to the fans and the promoters at Sweden Rock Festival for an unforgettable concert!

And if a lot people said, this was our best show ever, we don't think so.... but of course we're proud of the show, the fans and the packed and loud audience!

The Gallery section and later our My Space pages will be updated with a lot of photos! ..... and please check out this link!"
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PRIMAL FEAR Issue Post-Sweden Rock Festival
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