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STUCK MOJO Guitarist RICH WARD - Empty
MessageSujet: STUCK MOJO Guitarist RICH WARD -   STUCK MOJO Guitarist RICH WARD - EmptyJeu 26 Juin - 12:21

STUCK MOJO Guitarist RICH WARD - "I Slept On The Control Room Floor Of Andy Sneap's Studio; It Made Me Feel Like I Was Living The Record"

STUCK MOJO Guitarist RICH WARD - T92183 The following is an excerpt from an interview with STUCK MOJO guitarist/founder Rich Ward conducted by Hit Parader:

Q: Talk about Southern Born Killers - what's your favorite song? Any funny/crazy recording stories?

Ward: "I love the record, but I guess I would. If anyone listens to this record and doesn't like it...they're just wrong (laughs). I don't know about anything funny or crazy, but I did sleep on the control room floor of Andy Sneap's studio every night while I was recording the album. Keep in mind that he has amazing band sleeping accommodations on site at his studio. I just loved being in the control room at night with the room dimly lit by all the electronics' LED lights. I liked having my guitar by my head and my amp by my feet. It was calming and made me feel like I was living the record."

Q: What made you choose to go with Napalm Records for the re-release? Will the next album be on Napalm?

Ward: "Napalm reminds me of Century Media when we first signed with them in 1994. They're a small European independent metal label with a roster full of bands that couldn't be more different than Stuck Mojo. It worked for us with Century Media because we stood out in roster full of Norwegian black metal bands with unreadable band logos. Since the band views this as a new beginning of sorts, being on Napalm is a perfect fit, like wearing a familiar, comfy pair of bedroom slippers. The next album will be released on Napalm, unless after being compared to comfy footwear, they decide to drop us."

Q: Tell us something about you that you don't normally talk about in interviews...this is for color detail and can be something fun or silly, like you speak five languages fluently or that you have a degree in psychology.

Ward: "To even think that I would be capable speaking five languages or having any type of degree from an institution of higher learning would be silly. With that being said, I'll throw out some odds factoids. I've never smoked a cigarette, weed or crack, although I've been tempted to try crack because the name is so inviting. I've never been drunk, although I do enjoy a good shot of NyQuil from time to time. When I was 21 years old, I once dated a stripper because she bought me a vintage Les Paul. I have 2 hairless dogs that weigh less than 10 pounds each. I am obsessive about my fitness and train like I'm gunning for a slot on the US Olympic team. For some reason I don't have a lot of body hair and this is especially true for my legs. Oh yeah, and I hate whoever decided it was trendy to wear a t-shirt with the likeness of the brutal, mass murderer Che Guevara printed on it. Stay tuned for the Hitler "the revolutionary" hoodie sweatshirt, coming to a Hot Topic in a mall near you."

Go to this location for the complete interview.
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