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 URIAH HEEP In The Netherlands - Assen Setlist, Photos

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

URIAH HEEP In The Netherlands - Assen Setlist, Photos Empty
MessageSujet: URIAH HEEP In The Netherlands - Assen Setlist, Photos   URIAH HEEP In The Netherlands - Assen Setlist, Photos EmptyMar 1 Juil - 11:32

URIAH HEEP In The Netherlands - Assen Setlist, Photos Available

Rock legends URIAH HEEP performed in Assen, The Netherlands on June 27th at the TT Festival, a free festival the night before the Dutch Motor Race Grand Prix.

Uriah Heep performed the following setlist
'Cry Freedom',
'Words In The Distance'
'Tears Of The World',
'Free Me', 'Shadow',
'Look At Yourself',
'July Morning',
'Easy Livin'',
'Lady In Black'.

Excellent photos from the gig can be found at Rainbow Eyes Photography.
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URIAH HEEP In The Netherlands - Assen Setlist, Photos
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