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 URIAH HEEP Post First Photos From ..

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

URIAH HEEP Post First Photos From .. Empty
MessageSujet: URIAH HEEP Post First Photos From ..   URIAH HEEP Post First Photos From .. EmptyJeu 16 Oct - 23:58

URIAH HEEP Post First Photos From Current Tour With THIN LIZZY

URIAH HEEP Post First Photos From .. T99000 URIAH HEEP have updated their website with a photo gallery of the first shots taken on the band's current tour with THIN LIZZY. Check out the pics at this location.

Check out the band's complete live itinerary here.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: URIAH HEEP Post First Photos From ..   URIAH HEEP Post First Photos From .. EmptyJeu 16 Oct - 23:59

URIAH HEEP Post First Photos From .. 99000
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

URIAH HEEP Post First Photos From .. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: URIAH HEEP Post First Photos From ..   URIAH HEEP Post First Photos From .. EmptyDim 19 Oct - 13:09

Uriah Heep in Germany - Wake the Sleeper LIVE !

URIAH HEEP Post First Photos From .. Testimonial-mick-uriahHello everyone!

Well we have played 4 shows now and the set list is really beginning to bed in now. You probably know by now we are not playing it safe and we are performing the whole of the WTS CD plus some of the classics Heep songs. This is a very brave move but we had to give it a go as we had been playing the last set for quite some time. It was time to stand up and be counted.

The set has been very well received so far and the response each night has been wonderful, very warm and very heartfelt. I am sure the people who come to the show can see the effort we have made to get this set of songs as powerful as we can and with a nice balance between the old and new songs. We have even introduced the original intro to Gypsy which Is going down a storm each night and sounds super powerful.

We have been getting on very well with Thin Lizzy and these German shows are a rock night extravaganza for the fans and one they will never forget. Although we have only been on the road for nearly a week the dreaded cold germs have began to surface. First to be hit is Phil and Christos and we can only hope it does not get passed on to everyone. The set is very demanding and very rewarding at the same time. I will be interested to read the reviews as they surface. They certainly cannot deny the fact that we have been brave and not taken the easy option as some bands do and just play a couple of new songs amongst the hits and the classics. The backdrop when we can get the whole thing up looks tremendous and helps give a freshness to how the stage looks and having merchandising is a real plus too. We even have a programme which we have not had for at least 20 years.

This is a very exciting phase of our career and there is a genuine buzz and excitement surrounding us at the moment which is very uplifting. We look forward to seeing you all out on the road and a big thanks to all of you that have bought WTS and merchandising so far as we do appreciate your support.

'Appy Days

Mick on the tour bus from Saarbrucken – Nurenburg in Germany

(We have just been pulled over by the police on a routine check stop and they were all Heep fans so a couple of signed pictures and we are on our way-how cool is that!)
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