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 URIAH HEEP - European Live Photos From Mick Box....

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

URIAH HEEP - European Live Photos From Mick Box.... Empty
MessageSujet: URIAH HEEP - European Live Photos From Mick Box....   URIAH HEEP - European Live Photos From Mick Box.... EmptyLun 3 Nov - 1:57

URIAH HEEP - Personal European Live Photos From Mick Box Available

URIAH HEEP - European Live Photos From Mick Box.... 100076

Legendary URIAH HEEP guitarist/vocalist Mick Box has posted a number of photos from the band's recent European tour - click left for a shot of the band on the road with THIN LIZZY. Visit this location to view more.

Noise/Sanctuary Records has released Uriah Heep's new studio album, Wake The Sleeper - the band’s first studio album in almost 10 years (since Sonic Origami in 1998). Uriah Heep is scheduled to tour the US in early 2009.

Guitarist Mick Box commented on the band’s latest work, “Wake The Sleeper is an album we are incredibly proud of, and one that we hope the fans will see as one of Uriah Heep’s best.”

Click the video below for a fan-filmed live excerpt of 'Wake The Sleeper':
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URIAH HEEP - European Live Photos From Mick Box....
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