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 HELIX Live In Montréal - BW&BK Photo Gallery

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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HELIX Live In Montréal - BW&BK Photo Gallery Available

HELIX Live In Montréal - BW&BK Photo Gallery 92728

Canuck rock legends HELIX packed Club Saphir in Montréal, Québec last night (July 5th) - a BW&BK Photo Gallery can be found here.

Helix live dates in support of their new album, The Power Of Rock And Roll, can be found here.

Frontman Brian Vollmer says that the band have commenced writing for the new CD. "We’ve still got a lot of material left from previous sessions," says the singer, "so that’s where we picked up-where we left off. We ended up working on 'Make ‘Em Dance', 'Your Love’s A Heart Attack', and 'The Tequilla Song'. We hope to have a new disc out in early 2009."
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