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 WOLF - Peace & Love Festival Video .....

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

WOLF - Peace & Love Festival Video ..... Empty
MessageSujet: WOLF - Peace & Love Festival Video .....   WOLF - Peace & Love Festival Video ..... EmptyMar 8 Juil - 10:54

WOLF - Peace & Love Festival Video Footage Featuring New Drummer Available

A Roadmovie & Live footage from Swedish metallers WOLF's performance on the Peace & Love festival June 26th has been uploaded at WOLF-TV - shot and edited by Patrik Hellström. Click below to view. This is the first live footage featuring new drummer Richard "Raptor" Holmgren.

Wolf are currently writing the follow-up to 2006's The Black Flame which they will be recording this summer
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WOLF - Peace & Love Festival Video .....
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