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 KAMELOT - 'Love You To Death' Video Nearly

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

KAMELOT - 'Love You To Death' Video Nearly Empty
MessageSujet: KAMELOT - 'Love You To Death' Video Nearly   KAMELOT - 'Love You To Death' Video Nearly EmptyLun 1 Sep - 23:31

KAMELOT - 'Love You To Death' Video Nearly Complete

KAMELOT guitarist Thomas Youngblood has issued the following update:

Just wanted to send a quick note regarding the upcoming events and other tidbits. Just received the first clip from our upcoming video 'Love You To Death' that we shot a few months ago in Belgrade, Serbia again with ICode. The video turnout beautiful and tragic and really fits the song and feel we were hoping for. There are some minor changes to be made and then we will decide when to release it.

We getting set the US tour, it's going to be blast! We kick off the tour here in Saint Petersburg, Florida at the State Theatre, October 9th. We are also looking forward to the shows with the guys from EDGUY, I'm sure it will be a great tour!"
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