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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: OZZY OSBOURNE   OZZY OSBOURNE EmptyMer 6 Aoû - 0:34

OZZY OSBOURNE Part Of The Henry Ford’s Chocolate: The Exhibition

Business Wire is reporting:

Come indulge yourself at The Henry Ford’s Chocolate: The Exhibition on August 9 at 1 p.m. and watch world famous artist Jean Zaun paint a chocolate portrait of the Dymaxion House. The event is free with membership or admission to Henry Ford Museum. Admission is $14 adults, $13 seniors and $10 youth, while children under five and members are free. For more information call (313) 982-6001 or go online to

Zaun pushes the paints aside and uses nothing but chocolate to create wonderful works of art. Her Chocolate portfolio includes a portrait of OZZY OSBOURNE, reproductions of Van Gogh’s paintings and a re-creation of the flag-raising at Iwo Jima.

“Based on her previous paintings, we are very excited to have her display her unique talents at Chocolate: The Exhibit,” said John Neilson, Director of Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village. “It is definitely an event you won’t want to miss!”

Her chocolate masterpieces consist completely of white and semi-sweet Wilbur chocolate, food color, edible gold sugars, and confectionary glaze. Her frames are also made by casting dark or milk chocolate. Her most recent chocolate creations include a chocolate purse and chocolate boots that received national recognition and awards.

This event will be located right outside of Chocolate: The Exhibit. Following the event, satisfy your craving for chocolate at the Chocolate Café which features chocolate cake, Triple Chocolate Brownie Slab, a chocolate fountain and more.

There are more reasons than ever to become a member of The Henry Ford. Annual membership passes start at as little as $39. Members receive unlimited admission to Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village.

The Henry Ford, located in Dearborn, Michigan was founded in 1929 by automotive pioneer Henry Ford. This history destination includes Henry Ford Museum, Greenfield Village, The Henry Ford IMAX Theatre, The Benson Ford Research Center and The Ford Rouge Factory Tour. The Henry Ford, America's Greatest History Attraction, is the history destination that brings the American experience to life.
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