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 FIREHOUSE To Begin Working On Next Album

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

FIREHOUSE To Begin Working On Next Album Empty
MessageSujet: FIREHOUSE To Begin Working On Next Album   FIREHOUSE To Begin Working On Next Album EmptySam 6 Sep - 3:06

FIREHOUSE To Begin Working On Next Album This Winter

FIREHOUSE guitarist Bill Leverty recently conducted an interview with Sleaze Roxx recently. When asked what his future plans were Bill replied with the following:

"I just released my second solo album called Southern Exposure. This one is instrumental music. I hope to do more guitar clinics for Randall Amps and play some of the material off this album in 2009. As for FireHouse, we plan on starting to work on our next album this winter. We'll continue to tour as much as possible because we love to play live. "

The entire interview can be read at this location.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

FIREHOUSE To Begin Working On Next Album Empty
MessageSujet: Re: FIREHOUSE To Begin Working On Next Album   FIREHOUSE To Begin Working On Next Album EmptyDim 7 Sep - 0:49

le groupe va enregistrer un nouvel album cet hiver, d'après le guitariste Bill Leverty:

Sleaze Roxx recently conducted an interview with FIREHOUSE guitarist Bill Leverty. When asked what his future plans were, Bill replied, "I just released my second solo album called 'Southern Exposure'. This one is instrumental music. I hope to do more guitar clinics for Randall amps and play some of the material off this album in 2009. As for FIREHOUSE, we plan on starting to work on our next album this winter. We'll continue to tour as much as possible because we love to play live."

The entire interview can be found at this location:
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FIREHOUSE To Begin Working On Next Album
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