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 MOB RULES Working On New Album

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: MOB RULES Working On New Album   MOB RULES Working On New Album EmptyMer 31 Déc - 19:25

MOB RULES Working On New Album

MOB RULES Working On New Album T103763 Germany's MOB RULES have broken an extended silence with the following update:

"The band continues to work on the new (sixth) album. No album title is confirmed yet, but a 'hint' to the previous album Ethnolution A.D. (pictured) is likely. The main part of songs is already composed, the band has started to record the first songs in the studio. This time Mob Rules members work in legs to secure the best result possible. Beside the known Mob Rules qualities, the new album will hold some surprises and unexpected things in store. One secret can be revealed here now: the six Northern Germans have written the longest song of their career so far and will amaze you with a real melodic metal pamphlet that lyrically deals with a very exciting up-to-date subject."

The band has some tour dates lined up for 2009. They will be revealed soon.
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