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 STATUS QUO Named Hardest Working Band

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: STATUS QUO Named Hardest Working Band   STATUS QUO Named Hardest Working Band EmptySam 3 Jan - 20:13

STATUS QUO Named Hardest Working Band

STATUS QUO Named Hardest Working Band 103934

According to, legendary UK rockers STATUS QUO have been named 2008's hardest working band after playing the most arena concerts throughout the year.

The rockers, who played their first gig together in 1962, performed 35 major shows in the UK last year, with over 300,000 fans paying to see them.

Frontman Francis Rossi said: "Playing to our fans is still and has always been the most important thing for the band.

"Nothing beats playing live and this is as relevant today as it has always been."

Status Quo - 'Pictures Of Matchstick Men' (1968 - Top Of The Pops)
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