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 AXXIS - Photos From Aizoain Gig.....

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: AXXIS - Photos From Aizoain Gig.....   AXXIS - Photos From Aizoain Gig..... EmptyMer 1 Oct - 23:57

AXXIS - Photos From Aizoain Gig Available; Setlist Revealed

AXXIS - Photos From Aizoain Gig..... T97945 has uploaded photos of AXXIS' September 27th concert at Artsaia in Aizoain (Navarra), Spain.

Check them out at this location.

The group's setlist was as follows:
'Doom Of Destiny',
'Tales Of Glory Island',
'Little War',
Guitar Solo,
'Lady Moon',
'I Hear You Cry',
'Blood Angel',
Drum Solo,
'Fire And Ice',
'Touch The Rainbow',
'My Little Princess',
'Little Look Back',
'Kingdom Of The Night',
'Living In A World'.
'Angel Of Death',
'Nanana, Hey Hey, Kiss Him Goodbye'.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: AXXIS - Photos From Aizoain Gig.....   AXXIS - Photos From Aizoain Gig..... EmptyMer 1 Oct - 23:57

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AXXIS - Photos From Aizoain Gig.....
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