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 The Project 2009

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

The Project 2009 Empty
MessageSujet: The Project 2009   The Project 2009 EmptyMer 8 Oct - 0:05

Du beau monde pour ce projet, quelques samples ici :

More news from the desk of Roger Scott Craig:
Project 2009 "Blue Skies'" - This is a brand new song sung by Chris Thompson (Manfred Mann) and with Ian Bairnson on guitars, both members of the Alan Parsons Project. Ian is working with me now in the writing process for this new and exciting The Project 2009 and we already have some great songs in the works. As you know, for me Ian is the best guitarist in the world and I can't tell you how it now feels to be writing with him. Plus Chris was my first choice to sing this new song Blue Skies and I think he did a fantastic job hitting some amazingly high notes. He is one phenomenal singer and told me he is available to do work with Ian and myself in this new The Project 2009. This is very exciting stuff as you can imagine and I am now refining these mixes and will post better mixes in a few days after I have had more time to comp Chris' 650 mg of vocals on this one song!! Ian is also going to be adding more atmospheric guitars to this track soon. Thanks!
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