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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: TONY HARNELL   TONY HARNELL EmptyDim 17 Sep - 15:54

TONY HARNELL - Former TNT Singer Annoyed With Rap Version Of '10,000 Lovers (In One)'

Former TNT Singer TONY HARNELL has posted the following message at his MySpace page:

"Hey folks,

This email applies mostly to Norwegian fans who I love with all my heart and soul, as of course I do ALL my fans around the world.

In reference to the lyrics my former band has allowed a rapper to add to our classic song '10,000 Lovers (In One)' I decided to post the lyrics here so you can decide what you think of them.

My questions are as follows-

What does taking sexual advantage of a young girl who grew up with no father, who has had struggles in her life, who apparently sells her body and who in the end resorts to doing cocaine(mutha fuckin' powder) if all else fails, have to do with 10,000 Lovers in One? If anyone out there can enlighten me, please do. Further, the saddest thing of all with this is that my former band would allow these lyrics to degrade a song that is so dear to our fans. This song that was written for someone I cared about when I was very young and this is what it has come down to? I am posting these lyrics in response to a recent TV show where two band members are appearing to laugh when reading a statement from my management that expresses our issues with the lyrics. This statement was supposed to be read as the band's statement and not my management's statement. They offered to read it as a sort of settlement and to avoid a lawsuit over the song based on European Driot Morale laws and formal agreements made between the band and myself-for more details read my blog-art degraded, imagination denied. I don't think any of the fans have read or seen the lyrics and I think you all should so maybe you can understand my views. If there is a positive interpretation that I am missing, please enlighten me.

As I have said before, I wish my former bandmates all the best for the future and will always hold a special place for them in my memories. My time with the band obviously played a huge role in my life and career and there is no way I could ever disclaim that. I truly care about the fans with all my heart. It is why I work so hard to be as good as I can be and why I get upset whenever I feel I have let the fans down. I live to bring my best to people who want to hear me and will always strive for that for the rest of this lifetime. As was stated, any royalties I receive from this song will go to a treatment center for young girls to be determined soon.

Here are the lyrics, judge for yourself."

Ive tried to walk on water just to get inside the shorts of your daughter I cant
support her but Id sure be glad to stroke and explore her what I
do might put holes in my aura but Im definite Sign me up with a deficit I dont know why
youre stressin it call me a pessimist but a lot of these women aint no
queens Sometimes theres nothing quite so painful as dreams Dont get
offended while Im spilling my beans Im just telling it
But fuck it aintt about to go solibat ( think they meant Celibate:)
So bring it on
Shes like the sweetest of creatures
But theres evil in the demons that reach her Brings the
feeling that she needs to see meaner features
Now shes young dont believe in her teachers
What she needs her looks will get her
Tits get her hooked lots better
Her pop has never met her She rocks to heavy metal
She dropped out of school what shocks to put together knowing
everything about herself Way to proud for help And
thats the day when the muthafuckin powder helps
Forget about yourself Wallow in the plow get a
bottle Get some more I just got to let it go I just
got to let em know Cant cover the sun You get
ten thousand lovers in one Here she comes
See the earth see the sun Shes ten thousand lovers in one
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: TONY HARNELL   TONY HARNELL EmptyDim 17 Sep - 17:54

TONY HARNELL To Donate Royalties From Rapper's "Re-Worked" Version Of TNT Hit To Charity

As previously reported, a rapper has reworked the lyrics of the TNT hit song '10,000 Lovers (In One)'. Former TNT vocalist Tony Harnell posted the new lyrics so fans could judge for themselves and has since updated the page with the following statement:

"What does taking sexual advantage of a young girl who grew up with no father, who has had struggles in her life, who apparently sells her body and who in the end resorts to doing cocaine ('mutha fuckin' powder') if all else fails, have to do with '10,000 Lovers In One'? If anyone out there can enlighten me, please do. Further, the saddest thing of all with this is that my former band would allow these lyrics to degrade a song that is so dear to our fans. This song that was written for someone I cared about when I was very young and this is what it has come down to? I am posting these lyrics in response to a recent TV show where two band members are appearing to laugh when reading a statement from my management that expresses our issues with the lyrics. This statement was supposed to be read as the band's statement and not my management's statement. They offered to read it as a sort of settlement and to avoid a lawsuit over the song based on European Driot Morale laws and formal agreements made between the band and myself - for more details read my blog Art Degraded, Imagination Denied.

I don't think any of the fans have read or seen the lyrics and I think you all should so maybe you can understand my views. If there is a positive interpretation that I am missing, please enlighten me. As I have said before, I wish my former bandmates all the best for the future and will always hold a special place for them in my memories. My time with the band obviously played a huge role in my life and career and there is no way I could ever disclaim that. I truly care about the fans with all my heart. It is why I work so hard to be as good as I can be and why I get upset whenever I feel I have let the fans down. I live to bring my best to people who want to hear me and will always strive for that for the rest of this lifetime. As was stated, any royalties I receive from this song will go to a treatment center for young girls to be determined soon."
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