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 ICED EARTH - Live In New York; Report, Photos ..

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

ICED EARTH - Live In New York; Report, Photos .. Empty
MessageSujet: ICED EARTH - Live In New York; Report, Photos ..   ICED EARTH - Live In New York; Report, Photos .. EmptyDim 19 Oct - 23:30

ICED EARTH - Live In New York; Report, Photos Available

ICED EARTH - Live In New York; Report, Photos .. T99150 ICED EARTH hit the Nokia Theater in Times Square in New York on Thursday, October 16th and played to a packed house in support of their latest release The Crucible Of Man - Something Wicked Pt. 2.

The setlist included classic tracks 'Pure Evil' and 'Stormrider' (from the album Night Of The Stormrider), 'Vengeance Is Mine' from The Dark Saga, and Dracula off Horror Show with the song 'Iced Earth' closing the night. Several were featured from the Something Wicked saga including 'In Sacred Flames', 'I Walk Alone', and 'Behold the Wicked Child' from 'Crucible', 'Setian Massacre' and 'Ten Thousand Strong' from Framing Armageddon - Something Wicked Pt.1, to 'Burning Times', 'Watching Over Me', 'The Coming Curse', and 'My Own Savior' from the original catalyst to the story Something Wicked This Way Comes.

A Photo Gallery can be found here.

Photographer: Rich Catino (
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: ICED EARTH - Live In New York; Report, Photos ..   ICED EARTH - Live In New York; Report, Photos .. EmptyDim 19 Oct - 23:31

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