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 BENEDICTUM - Part 3 Of European Tour

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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BENEDICTUM - Part 3 Of European Tour Diary Available

BENEDICTUM - Part 3 Of European Tour 102845

Following their recent European Tour with GIRLSCHOOL, BENEDICTUM vocalist Veronica Freeman has been compiling an exclusive tour diary for Komodo Rock, and now presents the final installment covering the bands last four shows.

Veronica writes "Only four shows left! I must admit time flew by but it also took its toll. Some of us were feeling a bit rough around the edges but it seems like that magic always happens just when you get ready to go on stage all is forgotten and the 'games begin.'

We made the incredible drive to Switzerland, now being from San Diego and some of us even now transplanted in Phoenix, Arizona seeing snow was a novelty and on the way to the Z7 we had plenty of that on the road. AMAZING!

Now, the Z7 is one of my favorite venues, I am not sure it is the wonderful sound crew or the chef… hmmm yeah.. .both but definitely the chef has a lot to do with it. The food at the Z7 KICKS ASS!!!

While on the road we were contacted by a Swiss photographer named Andreas Isenegger who wanted to do a photo shoot with a new Canon prototype camera. He found this cool metal factory where we could do the shoot and we thank the people there for letting us interrupt their work day and act like crazy people. We grabbed everything we could from chains to mallets to crowbars..."

Go to this location for the complete report.
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