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 OZZY OSBOURNE "Super-Fans Willing To Do Anything

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: OZZY OSBOURNE "Super-Fans Willing To Do Anything   OZZY OSBOURNE "Super-Fans Willing To Do Anything EmptyVen 2 Jan - 23:21

Fox Seeking OZZY OSBOURNE "Super-Fans Willing To Do Anything!"

Fox is casting OZZY OSBOURNE super fans who'd do anything to meet him. According to, the Osbournes: Reloaded "is looking for the biggest, baddest Ozzy Osbourne superfans who are willing to do anything (and we mean ANYTHING!) to meet him. Obviously, this is network television so nothing too obscene can be done but we'll definitely push the boundaries. Think eating bugs, licking belly buttons, getting pierced, shaving your head, getting tattoed, etc.-we're looking for Ozzy's HUGEST FANS that will happily do any of this stuff to meet him. Please tell us why you'd be perfect for this and we'll fill you in on all the details of the show!"

For more info click here.
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OZZY OSBOURNE "Super-Fans Willing To Do Anything
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