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 LOUDNESS - Picture Gallery Drummer MUNETAKA HIGUC

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: LOUDNESS - Picture Gallery Drummer MUNETAKA HIGUC   LOUDNESS - Picture Gallery  Drummer MUNETAKA HIGUC EmptySam 3 Jan - 16:44

LOUDNESS - Picture Gallery Tribute To Drummer MUNETAKA HIGUCHI Online

LOUDNESS - Picture Gallery  Drummer MUNETAKA HIGUC 103925

As previously reported, LOUDNESS drummer Munetaka Higuchi passed away on November 30th following a long battle with liver cancer. He was 49 years old. His bandmates have posted a picture gallery in tribute to Higuchi on their official website. Go to this location to check it out.

A tribute to Higuchi, dubbed the Last Memorial Birthday, was held on December 24th at Aoyama Sougisho in Tokyo, Japan. Members of Loudness and the band's precursor, LAZY, were in attendance.

'Esper' (live 1984)

'SDI' (live 2001)

'Metal Mad' (2008)

Drum solo
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LOUDNESS - Picture Gallery Drummer MUNETAKA HIGUC
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