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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptyMer 13 Déc - 0:52

AYREON Mastermind ARJEN LUCASSEN Launches New Official Website(s)

AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) T56527 Arjen Lucassen has launched a new official website featuring separate links to all projects; AYREON, STAR ONE, AMBEON and STREAM OF PASSION. All pages are linked to one another for easy navigation. The following update has been issued:

"This is the new website for Arjen Lucassen and all his musical projects. We've worked hard to get all the information of the previous site into this new one. We've added a little bit of information, and eliminated some. If you find any errors, or have questions about the new site, please here.

If you find it difficult to navigate the site, please keep in mind that there is a Portal which you can use to get from one site to the other. Also keep in mind that whenever you click on a link that directs you outside of the current website you are viewing, it will appear in a new window. You can also access the Help in the top navigation section to find your way around.

Currently Arjen is hard at work creating a new Ayreon album. No guests have been announced yet, and the development of the project is still in the early stages. Arjen is also still active with his band Stream of Passion with which he will tour again in 2007.Check out the news section for the scoop!"
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptyVen 9 Fév - 13:58

AYREON Mastermind Featured In MusicMaker Magazine, Invited To Participate In Classics In Rock Event Featuring GLENN HUGHES And JON ANDERSON

AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) T60059 AYREON mastermind Arjen Lucassen's webmaster has issued the following update:

"The leading music industry magazine MusicMaker (Dutch) features a six page article on Arjen Lucassen, available in stores now. Arjen is also on the cover.

Arjen has been invited to participate in a big event called Classics In Rock at Ahoy Stadium, Rotterdam (NL) on Friday March 23rd, 2007. The artists performing are Jon Anderson (YES), John Waite (BAD ENGLISH), Glenn Hughes (DEEP PURPLE), Floor Jansen and Joost van den Broek (AFTER FOREVER) and many more. You can find more information on the official site or visit the MySpace site."

A promo video for Classics In rock can be found on the MySpace page.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptyLun 5 Mar - 19:16

ARJEN LUCASSEN Leaves STREAM OF PASSION, New AYREON Album To Feature Science Fiction Theme

AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) T61609 The following is an interview courtesy of AYREON founder Arjen Lucassen's official website:

Q: First off, a lot has happened in the past few months, we all are curious to know how you are doing.

Lucassen: "I'm sad to say that I've been through a personal hell the last couple of months. I worked non-stop for many years and due to living on my own after the divorce with Jolanda, I have had a new (at first completely different) lifestyle. It has taken its toll, I guess. On top of everything else, I lost my sense of taste and smell (Anosmia) two months ago and sunk into a deep depression. With medical help and, most of all, the help of my closest friends (including Jolanda) I'm slowly climbing out of the black hole now. Last week I kicked my own butt back into the studio and fortunately the inspiration is slowly beginning to flow again."

Q: What are your plans concerning Stream Of Passion at this moment?

Lucassen: "Because I will be fully concentrating on the new Ayreon for at least the next year, I have no more time for SoP, so I quit the band. It would be unfair to have them wait until I'm ready, especially now things are going so well for SoP."

Q: Does this mean the end of Stream Of Passion?

Lucassen: "Fortunately not, the band will continue without me. They will write their own songs and I'm sure there's enough talent in the band to make a great new album and undertake successful tours without me pulling the strings."

Q: Now onto the new Ayreon. When did you actually start recording?

Lucassen: "Basically I started recording a few months ago but due to my depression and the SoP tour I hadn't been in the studio until a week ago."

Q: You’ve had to build a new studio in your new house, how are you adjusting to it?

Lucassen: "It's basically the same as the old studio, and once I'm at work, I'm out there in space and I don't even notice where I am anyway!"

Q: Have you changed your methods at all, or is it like nothing really changed?

Lucassen: "This time I'm coming up with more ideas in the studio while I'm recording. This way I have more freedom because I have no clear arrangements in my head and I can build songs based on new sounds I'm discovering. I'm also finding out that the songs are getting longer and more progressive this way."

Q: Did you find/buy any new instruments or equipment you’ve been using?

Lucassen: "Yes, I bought a digital synth (Microkorg) which sounds surprisingly good and is a welcome addition to my old analog stuff. I also bought a new Line 6 (pre)amp and I'm experimenting a lot combining different guitarsounds/amps."

Q: What kind of instruments do you find yourself using most often?

Lucassen: "Of course I've been longing to blow the dust off my old analog synths for a long time and madly twiddle the knobs, because I haven't used any in SoP. I'm also using my 7 string Ibanez guitar a lot, it sounds great and the extra low string really adds a new dimension."

Q: Can you give us a tiny hint of what we can expect musically?

Lucassen: "Because of my frame of mind the material so far is quite dark. There are some pretty heavy passages and the soft parts are quite mysterious. Though, to even it out, I will probably record some folky and happier stuff in the coming months when I feel better. I do think I will succeed in having it sound different from my previous albums again. I'm also thinking of releasing a single album this time, and using the remaining tracks as bonustracks for those who are interested. As some know, I hate to repeat myself and do the expected! Don't know if I will succeed though, things often turned out differently than the way I planned them..."

Q: Have you got any ideas yet as to the story of the new Ayreon?

Lucassen: "Yes, but I haven't decided yet which way to go. I do know it will be a science fiction theme again, I really missed it :-) This time I would like to make the lyrics and the concept less obvious and more cryptic than before, if I can do it. It will be a new challenge. So if you can follow the story, I did something wrong :-)"

Q: Have you decided on any musical guests yet?

Lucassen: "I do have a wish list of singers. But I will only decide on the guest musicians once the music is finished so I have a better view on what kind of voices I will need. Of course Ed (Warby) will drum and as usual I will play most instruments myself."

Q: In the past you've auditioned unknown vocalists; do you still need recordings from new singers?

Lucassen: "No. As I said, I already have a big list of possible vocalists. Singers are of course welcome to send me stuff, but I get so many recordings that I can't guarantee a reply."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptyMar 27 Mar - 18:28

aprés un divorce et une petite dépréssion Arjen Lucassen donne enfin de ces nouvelles:
le prochain stream of passion se fera sans lui car il préfère ce concentrer sur ayreon, le prochain album est a l'etat de demo ! la suite de l'interview:
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptyJeu 28 Juin - 22:23

AYREON Reveal Name Of First Vocalist To Star On New Album

AYREON mastermind Arjen Lucassen's webmaster has issued the following update:

"There were some good guesses as to who the vocalist was on the sound sample that we put up a while ago. A few even got it right: the first vocalist who will star on the new Ayreon is Magali Luyten (VIRUS IV and BEAUTIFUL SIN). You can check her MySpace pages here: Magali Luyten, Virus IV, Beautiful Sin.

Twelve vocalists have been confirmed so far, with a number of vocalists still to be added over the next few weeks. A few more recording dates have been set, so keep tuned."

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptyVen 6 Juil - 23:40

AYREON - Second Vocalist Recorded For New Album; Acapella Sample Available

AYREON mastermind Arjen Lucassen's webmaster has issued the following update:

"The second vocalist was recorded in the Electric Castle yesterday. You can listen to an acapella sample of the voice (without instruments added) here.

You can once again join in the guessing game at our messageboard or on Arjen's official MySpace site.

We'll be announcing the identity of the vocalist soon.

More details on Ayreon's upcoming 7th album will be announced soon.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptyMar 10 Juil - 0:00

AYREON Announce EPICA's Simone Simons As Second Vocalist Recorded For New Album

AYREON mastermind Arjen Lucassen's webmaster has issued the following update:

"The second vocalist that recorded vocals in the Electric Castle has officially been confirmed to be Simone Simons of the Dutch metal band EPICA.

Simone's recording session was on July 5th. Epica's new album, The Divine Conspiracy, is due for release September 7th, 2007 through Nuclear Blast Records. You can check out the following MySpace sites for more information on Simone and her band: Simone Simons, Epica.

As previously reported, an acapella sample of Simone's vocal (without instruments added) can be heard here.

More details on Ayreon's upcoming 7th album will be announced soon.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptyMar 10 Juil - 19:37

AYREON - Fan Meeting In Amsterdam Scheduled For September, Tickets Now Available


The following announcement has been issued via the official AYREON website:

"Members of the messageboard spent nearly a year already organizing a fan-meet for Ayreon (Arjen Lucassen) fans. What started out as an informal get-together for forumers at a zoo, turned into a little bit of an event where 250 people can attend. It takes place September 15th, 2007 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It starts 13:00 and ends aproximately 19:00.

Among the highlights of the day are a cover band called AYREONOTES, who will play a set of Arjen Lucassen tracks, an exclusive sneak preview of the new Ayreon album, hanging out with fans from around the world and perhaps even some special guests.

You can now order tickets via the website here - remember, tickets are limited! For more information please check this thread on the messageboard - relevant information starts at page 36. For questions please contact: and use 'fanmeet' as topic."

As previously reported, Ayreon mastermind Arjen Lucassen's webmaster recently issued the following update on the forthcoming Ayreon album:

"The second vocalist that recorded vocals in the Electric Castle has officially been confirmed to be Simone Simons of the Dutch metal band EPICA.

Simone's recording session was on July 5th. Epica's new album, The Divine Conspiracy, is due for release September 7th, 2007 through Nuclear Blast Records. You can check out the following MySpace sites for more information on Simone and her band: Simone Simons, Epica.

As previously reported, an acapella sample of Simone's vocal (without instruments added) can be heard here.

More details on Ayreon's upcoming 7th album will be announced soon.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptyDim 29 Juil - 12:45

AYREON - Guess Who The Third Vocalist Confirmed For New Album Is; Audio Available

AYREON mastermind Arjen Lucassen's webmaster has issued the following update:

It is time to guess once again, this time Vocalist #3. We threw in a little bit of music this time around.

You can once again join in the guessing game at our Message Board or on Arjen's official MySpace site. We'll be announcing the identity of the vocalist soon.

Also feel free to join in the lyrics and story line discussion on our message board but beware: there might be spoilers!"

More details on Ayreon's upcoming 7th album will be announced soon.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptyMar 31 Juil - 18:21

AYREON - 10 Minute Instrumental Demo Online For A Limited Time, TY TABOR Confirmed As Third Vocalist For New Album

AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) T71015 AYREON mastermind Arjen Lucassen's webmaster has issued the following update:

"For a limited time only we've put up a 10 minute demo track here for which vocals have not yet been recorded. Ben Mathot of the band DIS plays violin on this track. Ed Warby, as always, plays drums. This demo will be deleted in a few days, never to be heard again, so check it out now!

The third vocalist to be featured on the new Ayreon has been announced: Ty Tabor (KING'S X). Magali Luyten (VIRUS IV) and Simone Simons (EPICA) were announced earlier. In total 13 vocalists have been confirmed, with more to be added."

Go to this location to check out Tabor's MySpace page.

More details on Ayreon's upcoming 7th album will be announced soon.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptyDim 19 Aoû - 17:28

AYREON - Sixth Vocalist Sample Online

AYREON mastermind Arjen Lucassen's webmaster has issued the following update:

"Fans are really enjoying the already infamous guessing game on the Message Board and MySpace, so we'll quickly move on to the next one!

The sixth vocalist finished recording vocals for the new Ayreon album earlier this week. Check out the compiled sample at this location and guess who it could be.

We stripped away a lot of the music to give you a better chance of figuring it out. You can discuss the sample, and the lyrics of course, on the Message Board."

A previous message at the site reads: "It wasn't such a hard guess, at least for one half the duo we revealed last week. Indeed, Arjen Lucassen takes on a bit of vocal duty for this new Ayreon album as well. The second vocalist proved a lot more difficult, as we expected. But eventually someone figured it out.

It is Liselotte Hegt from her newly formed band DIAL. Some might know Liselotte as the former bass player for the band CHIRRA NIVA. You can check out more information on Liselotte's MySpace page. And be sure to check out Dial's MySpace page as well.

Fifteen vocalists have been confirmed, with more to be added."

More details on Ayreon's upcoming 7th album will be announced soon.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptyVen 24 Aoû - 18:19

Jorn Lande fait partie des invités, le titre auquel il participe vient d'etre mis en ligne,

autres invités : Tom S. Englund (EVERGREY), Ty Tabor (KING'S X), Magali Luyten (VIRUS IV), Simone Simons (EPICA) and Liselotte Hegt (DIAL). Au total 15 vocalistes sont confirmés
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptyDim 2 Sep - 22:35

un nouvel extrait avec Anneke van Giersbergen :

AYREON, the brainchild of Dutch guitarist/composer Arjen Lucassen, has posted an audio sample of the next guest singer who will appear on the the band's upcoming album, tentatively due late 2007/early 2008: former THE GATHERING singer Anneke van Giersbergen, who now fronts her newly formed band AGUA DE ANNIQUE. Other vocalists scheduled to appear on the CD include Jonas P. Renske (KATATONIA), Jorn Lande (MASTERPLAN), Tom S. Englund (EVERGREY), Ty Tabor (KING'S X), Magali Luyten (VIRUS IV), Simone Simons (EPICA) and Liselotte Hegt (DIAL). A total of fifteen singers have been confirmed to guest on the album, with more to be added.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptyMer 19 Sep - 20:18

AYREON Cover Band Performs At "Fan Meet"; Photos Available

Posted on Wednesday, September 19, 2007 at 11:31:35 EST

AYREON, the project of Dutch guitarist/composer Arjen Lucassen, has issued the following update:

"September 15th saw the birth of what may become a tradition: the very first Ayreon "Fan Meet".

Fans from across the globe, who spend a lot of their time on the Ayreon message board, planned to meet up in what once was to be a simple lunch meeting in the Amsterdam Zoo. The plan steadily grew into an official meeting.

The cover band AYREONOTES, featuring members of the message board, did an excellent job on Ayreon and STAR ONE classics such as 'Castle Hall', 'Isis And Osiris', 'The Eye Of Ra' and 'High Moon'.

Special guests attending were Ian Parry, Ruud Houweling, Peter Vink and the tall minstrel himself Arjen Lucassen.

You can read reports and check out pictures on the Ayreon Message Board."

As previously reported, Ayreon recently released an audio sample from another of the 18 vocalists that will be featured on the new album.

The new "mystery" vocalist has been named as (click to hear audio sample) GOTTHARD's Steve Lee.

Other vocalists scheduled to appear on the CD, tentatively due late 2007/early 2008, include former THE GATHERING singer Anneke van Giersbergen (AGUA DE ANNIQUE), Jonas P. Renske (KATATONIA), Jorn Lande (MASTERPLAN), Tom S. Englund (EVERGREY), Ty Tabor (KING'S X), Magali Luyten (VIRUS IV), Simone Simons (EPICA), Liselotte Hegt (DIAL), Phideaux Xavier, AFTER FOREVER frontwoman Floor Jansen and Lucassen himself.

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptyVen 19 Oct - 21:38

AYREON - Guess The Guitarist


AYREON recently revealed that their new album, due out in January 2008, will be titled 01011001.

In an update, the band write, "Get ready for a little bit more guessing, this time it's solo guitarists. See if you can guess who these three are: sample. Discuss your guesses on our message board, there is no contest this time, though. We'll be announcing the identities shortly.

As previously reported, you can check all official information such as sound clips and future downloads by visiting the special 01011001 page here.

01011001 will feature the following vocalists: PAIN OF SALVATION's Daniel Gildenlöw, BLIND GUARDIAN's Hansi Kürsch, former THE GATHERING singer Anneke van Giersbergen (AGUA DE ANNIQUE), Jonas P. Renske (KATATONIA), Jorn Lande (MASTERPLAN), Tom S. Englund (EVERGREY), Ty Tabor (KING'S X), Magali Luyten (VIRUS IV), Simone Simons (EPICA), Liselotte Hegt (DIAL), Phideaux Xavier, AFTER FOREVER frontwoman Floor Jansen, GOTTHARD's Steve Lee, Dutch hip-hop/soul artist WUDSTIK, ELISTER's Marjan Welman and Lucassen himself.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptyLun 22 Oct - 22:31

AYREON - Solo Guitarists Announced

AYREON recently revealed that their new album, due out in January 2008, will be titled 01011001.

In an update, the band write, "The following three guitarists play solos on the new Ayreon album called 01011001: Lori Linstruth, Arjen Lucassen himself, and Michael Romeo.

Stay tuned for more guessing when we give you a sample of the guest keyboardists!"

01011001 will feature the following vocalists: PAIN OF SALVATION's Daniel Gildenlöw, BLIND GUARDIAN's Hansi Kürsch, former THE GATHERING singer Anneke van Giersbergen (AGUA DE ANNIQUE), Jonas P. Renske (KATATONIA), Jorn Lande (MASTERPLAN), Tom S. Englund (EVERGREY), Ty Tabor (KING'S X), Magali Luyten (VIRUS IV), Simone Simons (EPICA), Liselotte Hegt (DIAL), Phideaux Xavier, AFTER FOREVER frontwoman Floor Jansen, GOTTHARD's Steve Lee, Dutch hip-hop/soul artist WUDSTIK, ELISTER's Marjan Welman and Lucassen himself.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptySam 27 Oct - 14:54

AYREON - Flutist Jeroen Goossens Returns

AYREON recently revealed that their new album, due out in January 2008, will be titled 01011001.

In an update, the band write, "Flutist Jeroen Goossens of the Dutch folk band FLAIRCK returns to Ayreon.

Jeroen, who previously played on Ayreon's The Human Equation and starred in the 'Loser' video, recently recorded his parts in the Electric Castle.

Other instrumentalists we previously announced include Ben Mathot of the band DIS on violin, David Faber on cello and of course GOREFEST's drummer Ed Warby."

01011001 will feature the following vocalists: PAIN OF SALVATION's Daniel Gildenlöw, BLIND GUARDIAN's Hansi Kürsch, former THE GATHERING singer Anneke van Giersbergen (AGUA DE ANNIQUE), Jonas P. Renske (KATATONIA), Jorn Lande (MASTERPLAN), Tom S. Englund (EVERGREY), Ty Tabor (KING'S X), Magali Luyten (VIRUS IV), Simone Simons (EPICA), Liselotte Hegt (DIAL), Phideaux Xavier, AFTER FOREVER frontwoman Floor Jansen, GOTTHARD's Steve Lee, Dutch hip-hop/soul artist WUDSTIK, ELISTER's Marjan Welman and Lucassen himself.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptyLun 29 Oct - 23:54


Daniel Gildenlöw (PAIN OF SALVATION)
Tom Englund (EVERGREY)
Anneke van Giersbergen (AGUA DE ANNIQUE, THE GATHERING)
Jonas Renkse (KATATONIA)
Bob Catley
Floor Jansen (AFTER FOREVER)
Steve Lee (GOTTHARD)
Magali Luyten (VIRUS IV)
Ty Tabor (KING'S X)
Simone Simons (EPICA)
Liselotte Hegt (DIAL)
Marjan Welman
Arjen Lucassen


Arjen Lucassen: Guitar, Keyboards, Synths, Bass Guitar, Programming
Tomas Bodin (THE FLOWER KINGS): Keyboards
Derek Sherinian (PLANET X): Keyboards
Joost van den Broek (AFTER FOREVER, STAR ONE): Keyboards
Michael Romeo (SYMPHONY X): Guitar
Lori Linstruth (ex-STREAM OF PASSION): Guitar
Ed Warby (GOREFEST): Drums
Jeroen Goossens (FLAIRCK): Flute
Ben Mathot (DIS): Violin
David Faber: Cello

des clips toujours en écoute :
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptyJeu 22 Nov - 3:05

AYREON - Signed Editions Of 01011001 Available For Pre-Order


AYREON have announced that signed editions of their forthcoming rock opera, 01011001, are now available for pre-order through the store. Check the pre-order page here for information.

As previously reported, 01011001 is due out in January will be available in three editions:

- a regular 2CD edition with a 28 page booklet.
- a Special Edition: a box containing the regular 2CD edition and a bonus DVD*.
- a Deluxe Limited Edition, a DVD size fold-out case with embossed silver lettering on the slipcase. This edition contains the 2 CDs and a bonus DVD* plus a 36 page booklet with additional artwork.

* The bonus DVD contains:
- Behind the Scenes - Making of 01011001
- Beneath the Waves - CGI Movie (5.1/2.0)
- Guide Demos (audio) - feat. Arjen on vocals
- Ed Warby's Session - Recording drums
- Bloopers (audio)

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptyLun 3 Déc - 23:16

AYREON - New Album Preview On MySpace


AYREON mastermind Arjen Lucassen has updated his MySpace page with the track 'The Fifth Extinction', taken from the forthcoming Ayreon album 01011001.

The track is divided up in two parts to meet with MySpace limitations (the song is just over 10 minutes long), and can be heard here.

As previously reported, signed editions of Ayreon's forthcoming rock opera, 01011001, are now available for pre-order through the store. Check the pre-order page here for information.

01011001 is due out in January will be available in three editions:

- a regular 2CD edition with a 28 page booklet.
- a Special Edition: a box containing the regular 2CD edition and a bonus DVD*.
- a Deluxe Limited Edition, a DVD size fold-out case with embossed silver lettering on the slipcase. This edition contains the 2 CDs and a bonus DVD* plus a 36 page booklet with additional artwork.

* The bonus DVD contains:
- Behind the Scenes - Making of 01011001
- Beneath the Waves - CGI Movie (5.1/2.0)
- Guide Demos (audio) - feat. Arjen on vocals
- Ed Warby's Session - Recording drums
- Bloopers (audio)

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptySam 29 Déc - 14:10

AYREON Mastermind Pays Tribute To Former Manager

AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) T80358 AYREON mastermind Arjen Lucassen has issued the following update:

"I would like to take this opportunity to officially thank Yvette for all the great work she's done for me in the past five years. The Human Equation turned out to be one of my most successful albums ever and I can assure you that Yvette had a big hand in this. I definitely could not have done it without her. And I can tell you, it's not easy to work with a control freak and moody perfectionist like me, but she was able to inspire me when times were rough and restore the balance in the Ayreon universe when necessary. In fact she was way more than my personal manager, she helped out wherever and whenever she could. Thanks again Yvette and good luck with your screenwriting career and other future plans, may all your dreams come true! "


Former STREAM OF PASSION guitarist Lori Linstruth is Lucassen's new manager.

As previously reported, has posted an audio interview with AYREON mainman Arjen Lucassen, in which he talks about the band's new conceptual album 01011001, the guests on the album, his personal life, and much more.

Check it out at this location.

In addition, InsideOut Music Germany recently issued the following Ayreon update:

"On January 1st, 2008 at 00:01 AM, will be premiering Beneath The Waves, a stunning CGI film produced by Simon van Vegten.

The film was made to accompany the song of the same name from the upcoming Ayreon 2CD album 01011001, available January 28, 2008. The Beneath The Waves movie with 5.1 mix will be included as one of many bonus DVD features on 01011001.

Join us in ringing in the New Year by checking out to view this amazing piece of 3D artwork!

Merry Christmas from Insidout and all the best for 2008."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptyVen 11 Jan - 1:51

AYREON - New Video Preview Available

AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) T81125 A new preview video of AYREON's new album, 01011001, is available and can be viewed below. 01011001 is due out via InsideOut in the following territories:

January 25th - Germany, Austria, Switzerland
January 28th - Europe
January 29th - US and Canada

01011001 will be available in three editions:

- a regular 2CD edition with a 28 page booklet.
- a Special Edition: a box containing the regular 2CD edition and a bonus DVD*.
- a Deluxe Limited Edition, a DVD size fold-out case with embossed silver lettering on the slipcase. This edition contains the 2 CDs and a bonus DVD* plus a 36 page booklet with additional artwork.

* The bonus DVD contains:
- Behind the Scenes - Making of 01011001
- Beneath the Waves - CGI Movie (5.1/2.0)
- Guide Demos (audio) - feat. Arjen on vocals
- Ed Warby's Session - Recording drums
- Bloopers (audio)
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptyJeu 17 Jan - 20:19

AYREON - Third In-Store Appearance Announced For Holland


AYREON mastermind Arjen Lucassen has added a third in-store appearance in Holland to his previously announced schedule. It will take place at 20:00 (8:00pm) in Bergen op Zoom on January 25th. His schedule is now as follows:

25 - 17:00 -- Velvet Music in Breda
25 - 20:00 -- Waterput in Bergen op Zoom
26 - 17:00 -- Velvet Music in Delft

Lucassen will be joined for a short acoustic by vocalist Marjan Welman, who is featured on the song 'E=mc2' on the new Ayreon album, 01011001.

As previously reported, a new preview video of 01011001 is available and can be viewed below. 01011001 is due out via InsideOut in the following territories:

January 25th - Germany, Austria, Switzerland
January 28th - Europe
January 29th - US and Canada

01011001 will be available in three editions:

- a regular 2CD edition with a 28 page booklet.
- a Special Edition: a box containing the regular 2CD edition and a bonus DVD*.
- a Deluxe Limited Edition, a DVD size fold-out case with embossed silver lettering on the slipcase. This edition contains the 2 CDs and a bonus DVD* plus a 36 page booklet with additional artwork.

* The bonus DVD contains:
- Behind the Scenes - Making of 01011001
- Beneath the Waves - CGI Movie (5.1/2.0)
- Guide Demos (audio) - feat. Arjen on vocals
- Ed Warby's Session - Recording drums
- Bloopers (audio)
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptyJeu 7 Fév - 20:29

"01011001", the new rock opera from AYREON — the brainchild of Dutch guitarist/composer Arjen Lucassen — sold 1,400 copies in the United States in its first week of release to debut at position No. 32 on the the Top New Artist Albums (Heatseekers) chart (which lists the best-selling albums by new and developing artists, defined as those who have never appeared in the Top 100 of The Billboard 200).

"01011001" chart positions:

The Netherlands: #2
Germany: #18
UK: #26 (Rock/Metal)
USA: #32 (Top New Artist Albums)
Sweden: #54
Canada: #86 Hard Music
France: #90
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN )   AYREON( ARJEN LUCASSEN ) EmptySam 22 Mar - 14:52

ARJEN LUCASSEN - "The Problem Is That I’m Very Much Of A Perfectionist"

Greece's spoke to ARJEN LUCASSEN recently about a number of topics. Here is an excerpt from the interview: You specialize in rock/metal operas, but your life is inside the studio. You don’t like to tour, you don’t like the rock-star life?

Lucassen: "No, not at all… I did it for 15 years, since I was 18, with BODINE, playing and playing. It was a great experience… we were joking with eachother. I prefer to create, to make music. When you are on tour, you have to play the same songs every night." Have you ever thought about presenting one of your rock operas in a theater? Book the place, get the actors and the actresses and the singers and start rehearsing.

Lucassen: "Yeah! It’s very good that you ask that, because most people say 'You’ve got to do it live!' And, of course, that is so difficult. What you said is an option. To make it a theater play, you must use actors that are free, cuz you need to rehearse for a month and play for a couple of months. You can not get famous musicians to do that, they don’t have the time for that. The problem is that I’m very much of a perfectionist. The people who will come to an Ayreon show, they would like to see 'something Ayreon' or, at least, me. But that is an option… if you take this story, CD one is about life on a different planet, a water planet. How are you gonna put that on stage? Maybe use a huge aquarium (laughs)… maybe I can transfer that as a simple story. A man, who’s in a coma, trying to live his emotions."

Read more here.
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