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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: NIGHTWISH   NIGHTWISH EmptyMer 3 Jan - 23:33

NIGHTWISH - New Video Blog Available; In-Studio Photos Available

NIGHTWISH T57680 NIGHTWISH have posted a new video blog at this location. The video features the band at Abbey Road Studios in London working with Arranger Pip Williams and Conductor James Shearman.

Still photos of Nightwish in London can be viewed here.

Nightwish are still looking for a new singer and all the future demos received before January 16th, 2007 will be listened to. Previously announced information on the singer search can be found here.

NIGHTWISH 57680wi0
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: NIGHTWISH   NIGHTWISH EmptyLun 8 Jan - 19:46

NIGHTWISH - Nightmail Closed, Temporarily

Finland's NIGHTWISH have posted the following message regarding "Nightmail", the fan section of their website which allowed you to send a question directly to a band member, which they would in turn answer:

"Nightmail is closed.

We have decided to take a break from Nightmail for a while because everybody is so very busy these days. Rest assured that there will be a new round for you to ask all your questions soon enough."

In "Nightmail" the band members take monthly turns in the question and answer game. Nightmail, when the service is active, is accepted during the first 20 days of a month (or until the group are drowning in mail). Then the webmasters select the most frequently asked or especially interesting and creative questions and pass them on to the band to be answered.

Stay tuned for further news
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: NIGHTWISH   NIGHTWISH EmptyMar 9 Jan - 23:10

NIGHTWISH - New Pictures From Abbey Road Studio Sessions Available

NIGHTWISH T57975 As previously reported, NIGHTWISH were in London, England before Christmas to record the orchestra parts for their forthcoming studio album. New pictures from the Abbey Roas Studio sessions can be found at this location.

Nightwish manager Ewo Pohjola issued the following studio diary from the band's trip:

"During the afternoon we had a meeting at the King Foo headquarters concerning the upcoming world tour. Some preliminary plans were made, the situation with the crew discussed, the overall atmosphere of the pack was examined, about 5 pots of coffee drunk and a whole bunch of rolls eaten. Spirits were up and the humour still there. Looking good!

Then a taxi to the airport and off to London! Not long after arriving to the hotel and sitting at the lobby bar we met the first local one with a demotape..."

Monday 18.12.2006 - London
"There was excitement and whispers from the past times in the air as we arrived to the legandary Abbey Road Studios. At 10 am. the first orchestral sessions started, this time with 66 musicians, lasting throughout the whole day, with the choir recordings late in the evening. Pip Williams is quite a wizard with the orchestrations! Some salad at the Abbey Road cafeteria during lunchbreak, which ended up being a countdown to an afternoon nap at the extremely comfy sofa of Studio – A.

Bedtime at 9.30 pm. Recording heavy metal is such a hard duty."

Tuesday 19.12.2006 – London
"In the studio things were picked up from where they were left last night. More orchestras and choirs. I went to Oxford Street to have some sushi and do some Christmas shopping with Emppu. Tuomas, Jukka, Mikko & Tero stayed at the studio the whole day. Way to go, you eager beavers!

In the evening I found myself at the sold-out Cradle Of Filth – show in Astoria. The band was real tight, the crowd supporting them 6-0! Also Toni (Peiju, from King Foo) arrived to the London fog, and after the gig we went to Carlic&Shots with our local agent to have a bite. Then, goodnight."

Wednesday 20.12.2006 – London
"This day was booked for the recordings of a brilliant piper, Mr. Troy Donockley, who is also a member of a international magicians` society, Magic Circle. Pip already 'warned' us about this fantastic player and magician. Troy, beside his playing, performed his tricks in every possible moment, messing with our rational minds every time he did so. I won`t go into details here, you wouldn`t believe me anyway... It was pure art of magic. He had also met the guy who originally taught Uri Geller how to bend spoons. It`s not hard to guess that during the evening there was a whole bunch of bent spoons and forks on the tables... Not to mention the flying cards, burning deck of cards, etc."

Thursday 21.12.2006 – London
"Mrs. Nollaig Casey was the guest musician of the day. This lovely Irish lassie and her fiddle were needed for a couple of celtic-styled songs and WHOA, her performance was mere brilliance! The recordings lasted until late evening and while Nollaig and Tuomas went to have dinner at the lobby bar, I went to check out the old hardcore band, GBH. Great show, punk`s not dead!

Returning to the hotel, lots of familiar faces at the bar and a table full of bent spoons... Seems like a few pots of HouseCoffee had also been drunk."

Friday 22.12.2006 – London
"The last day of recordings was reserved for 2 boy sopranos. These lads were needed for just one song and they did their parts so fast that I didn`t see a glimpse of them before arriving to the studio. Tuomas, Jukka and Mikko were there, though, to witness the fantastic performance. Wait `n hear!

Recordings finished, backups taken, time to go home. Or so you would think.

Once at the Heathrow airport we found out that our flight was cancelled due to the severe fog. The earliest we could make it home would be sometime during Christmas Eve. So back to the hotel, booking an extra two nights and drinking some HouseCoffee to ease the melancholy."

Saturday 23.12.2006 – London (still here)
"Throughout the day some furious Christmas shopping and a sushi-orgy. Karmila threatened to buy 'so much junk, rubbish and crap for the family, that it should keep him out of the purgatory for a while.' `Tis the season to be merry!
Hours and hours of walking, feet aching, early to bed since the alarm is set for 5.45 am! This flight we cannot miss, or we will spend the holidays in a London hotelroom."

Sunday 24.12.2006 – London – Helsinki
"Jepsss! We made it to the plane. Finnish newspapers and Finnair`s meaty (I got Jukka`s meatballs as well) dinner were nice mind - lifters. Tuomas & Jukka rented a car at the Helsinki airport to make it home for the night. All in all, the trip was a success, and it seems that the album will end up being 'totally insane' (Tuomas)!!

And don`t forget the new cheers for Emppu during the upcoming tour: ” Good, Eetu!, Yes, Eetu!!!)"

Eduardo Pohjola

More pictures from the studio sessions are available here.

Nightwish are still looking for a new singer and all the future demos received before January 16th, 2007 will be listened to. Previously announced information on the singer search can be found here.

NIGHTWISH 57975ec3
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: NIGHTWISH   NIGHTWISH EmptyMer 17 Jan - 1:41

Pour en revenir à Nightwish, C'EST TROP TARD ! n'envoyer plus de démos, le groupe en a reçu 2000, ils leur faut maintenant faire un choix, mais il prefere d'abord avancer l'album, le choix ne se fera qu'après au lois de ... mai. Voila une décision qui n'aura pas été précipitée !

The auditions for the new vocalist have ended, with more than 2000 demos sent to us. (yesterday, 15.1. we received 120 demos!) A big thanks to everybody! So please don`t send anymore demos, since now we need to concentrate on finishing the album recordings.

The new vocalist will be announced at the end of May, together with the release of a new single.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: NIGHTWISH   NIGHTWISH EmptyVen 19 Jan - 16:41

English Version of NIGHTWISH Biography Available For Pre-Order

NIGHTWISH T58554 The English version of Nightwish book, Once Upon a Nightwish - The Official Biography 1996 – 2006, is now on pre-sale in the Nightwish Shop here.

The book is soft cover, containing 400 pages, with a 32-page full-colour photo insert. The estimated release is in the end of February but changes are still possible. A description reads as follows:

"Once Upon a Nightwish - The Official Biography 1996-2006 is a book about 9-year-story of the band. The book is written by Mape Ollila, extremely experienced music editor.

Year 1996: Tuomas Holopainen is on his summer cottage in Kitee, sitting by the campfire, saying to his two friends that he probably should found an own band.

Year 2005: Holopainen’s Nightwish is selling gold around the world and playing to overexcited audiences everywhere from Asia to America, critics are praising the total breakthrough-album ”Once”, and the band has become Finnish national treasure, a beloved export article that is listened by not only metal music lovers but babies and oldsters.

What has happened during these nine years? Mape Ollila answers this question in this thorough, dramatic and beautifully illustrated Nightwish book. He has been interviewing the band members, co-workers, family members, friends, fans and colleagues for two years, the book will go through the good times and bad times, uncover members’ mind, tell unbelievable stories from touring, including even serious exposures from Nightwish world.

Mape Ollila has a long experience as a music editor, specialized in metal music. Ollila has followed Nightwish’s career from the beginning and travelled along with the band for example in Norway, Sweden, Germany, Austria, England and the United States."
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