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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: DREAM THEATER   DREAM THEATER EmptyJeu 25 Jan - 21:34

DREAM THEATER Offer Fans The Chance To Appear On Forthcoming Album

DREAM THEATER drummer Mike Portnoy has issued the following invitation:

"Do you live near New York City?

Do you want to have your voice on the new Dream Theater CD?

If so, I'm looking for a group of about 30 or 40 people to do some "chants" for a section of one of the new songs... and I figured it would be fun to offer the job to a few lucky fans!

Here's the deal:
At 2pm this Friday January 26th, we will let a group of you into the studio to do some yelling for us...

The place:
Avatar Studios - 441 W. 53rd St (between 9th & 10th Ave)

The time:
We will open the doors around 2pm.
DO NOT arrive any earlier than 1pm which is when the line will form... (fans arriving earlier than 1pm will not be permitted to line up outside)

Depending on the turnout, we cannot guarantee entry to everybody. It will be based on first come, first serve.

You will be needed for no more than an hour, so you will be able to leave by 3pm.

DO NOT bring cameras or recording equipment... any found will be held at the reception desk while the session takes place.

Alright, see some of ya on Friday!
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