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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: DREAM THEATER   DREAM THEATER EmptyMer 31 Jan - 16:37

DREAM THEATER - String Quartet Tribute Announced

DREAM THEATER T59413 Vitamin Records will be issuing the The String Quartet Tribute To DREAM THEATER on February 20th. A press release reads as follows: "For over 20 years, Dream Theater has consistently challenged and engaged critics and fans alike with their unique brand of progressive metal. They’ve sold millions of records worldwide, released a diverse array of studio albums, live sets and side projects, and have sold out tours across the globe—and they’ve done this by catering to no one. Members of both the mainstream and underground have been quick to dismiss the impact that Dream Theater has on their fans, but the proof is in the pudding. We challenge you to find a more dedicated fanbase than Dream Theater’s. In the classical, experimental spirit of their best material, The String Quartet Tribute to Dream Theater is a stripped-down take on the ambitious favorites that have won them fans around the world. Culled from a tracklist selected by legendary drummer Mike Portnoy, there is something for every DT fan to enjoy on this auditory onslaught. This is one project every Dream Theater fan needs to add to the voluminous library they’ve dedicated to the world’s most amazing band."

The String Quartet Tribute To DREAM THEATER will feature the following tracks:
'Overture 1928',
'Pull Me Under',
'As I Am',
'Peruvian Skies',
'The Dance Of Eternity',
'Lifting Shadows Off A Dream',
'Ytse Jam',
'Hell's Kitchen'.
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: Re: DREAM THEATER   DREAM THEATER EmptyMar 3 Avr - 20:40

DREAM THEATER Img_1175620833_397L'artwork du nouvel album, Systematic chaos, qui sortira en Juin, est visible Ici
La tracklist sera la suivante :
In The Presence of Enemies Pt.1
Constant Motion
The Dark Eternal Night
Prophets of War
The Ministry of Lost Souls
In The Presence of Enemies Pt.2
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