EDGUY Joined On Stage By
HELLOWEEN Bassist At Metalway Festival
The following update has been posted at the official EDGUY website:
"Edguy just returned from the Metalway festivals in Spain. It was a great weekend and despite the fact that
Tobias (
Sammet) had a throat infection the concerts went really well and the band was very happy with the reactions. Due to a strike of the ground staff of the 'in my opinion worst airline in the civilized world - Iberia' (quote from Tobias) the band almost didn’t make it to Gernika on time.
In Gernika,
HELLOWEEN bass player Markus Grosskopf joined the five Edguys on stage for a highly acclaimed version of 'Avantasia'. Edguy wanna say thank you to everybody with the exception of Iberia airlines and say sorry for the wrecked dressing room in Jerez. Furthermore, Tobias has answered some of your question on his own website,
www.tobiassammet.com. And you still have the chance to ask your personal question - check out the site for more!
Your next chance to see the band will be in Busan, Korea next weekend."
Edguy's tour scedule is now as follows:
August 6 - Busan, Korea at Busan Festival
10 - Raismes, France at Raismes-Festival