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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: EDGUY   EDGUY EmptyLun 7 Mai - 19:28

EDGUY To Guest On German Radio May 16th

On May 16th from 22:00 - 23:00 EDGUY's Tobias Sammet (vocals) and Jens Ludwig (guitar) will be special guests of the show Hard 'n Heavy on Germany's major radio station Radio HR3.

Says the band: "We are honored to have been invited by Christoph Habusta to join the 30th anniversary of his show Hard 'n Heavy, Christoph has always supported the band and we are happy to show up on the show. I am sure we're gonna crack some real bad jokes, play some of our favourite CDs and just have a great time. Furthermore we're gonna bring our recorders (the instruments!!!) that we'll play for the first time that night - live on the air! You should not miss that show, it may be the last chance to hear us on radio, haha!!"
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