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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

MessageSujet: EDGUY/AVANTASIA   EDGUY/AVANTASIA EmptyVen 26 Déc - 15:52

EDGUY/AVANTASIA Frontman Issues Year-End Update

EDGUY/AVANTASIA frontman Tobias Sammet has issued the following update:

"Hey my friends, this year was a very busy year for me. It was a successful year, I managed to keep myself out of trouble, I released two really successful albums and played a great tour. On the private end I am the happiest man on earth and I just wanna let you know, how much I appreciate your loyalty and your support. I thank you for being open-minded, for enduring my hair cut and honesty... and a little pop song every now and then. Seriously, I promise you I will follow my heart, I will never lie to you and as long as I feel so much inspiration and music in me, I will go on and we'll have many more years to go. Thanks for being the greatest fans in the world. See you with Edguy on tour in January.

I wish you peace, health, happiness, love and whatever you need! Merry Christmas and a happy new year."
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