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 EDGUY/AVANTASIA Mainman Tobias Sammet To Guest.....

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

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MessageSujet: EDGUY/AVANTASIA Mainman Tobias Sammet To Guest.....   EDGUY/AVANTASIA Mainman Tobias Sammet To Guest..... EmptyDim 9 Nov - 22:22

EDGUY/AVANTASIA Mainman Tobias Sammet To Guest On New BRUCE KULICK Album

EDGUY/AVANTASIA Mainman Tobias Sammet To Guest..... T100410 FormerKISS guitarist BRUCE KULICK has been back in the studio working on BK3, and once again he had a very special guest in studio: Tobias Sammet from German metallers EDGUY and AVANTASIA.

Kulick's most recent Studio Blog reads as follows:
"Tobias Sammet is not a name you all know, but he fronts a band called Edguy from Germany and is also in another one that is very popular called Avantasia. I knew of him from KISS drummer Eric Singer and finally heard his voice in Japan this past Feb. when someone played the Avantasia CD at the meet and greet before our show in Tokyo. I asked Eric about him and he told me how talented he is and I should contact him. I had a song for BK3 that I had reserved for Gene, which gave birth to a completely new different song that I told you all about in previous blogs. So what could I do with this great track?"

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