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 JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. Downing

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. Downing Empty
MessageSujet: JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. Downing   JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. Downing EmptyJeu 10 Mai - 0:01

JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. Downing Says Nostradamus Is "Well On The Way"

JUDAS PRIEST guitarist K.K. Downing has issued the following update:

"Hello everyone!

I am happy to tell you that I am feeling great, the mill is now literally on fire! The mill workers are being pushed to the limits to keep up with production, but there in no need for concern because the workers are made of steel.

Thank you all again for your letters and support, please don’t forget you can also include photos for the fan forge [fanforge(a)] if you want to.

Well, it will soon be a festival time; I am sure most of you are already making plans and are trying to decide how many you can make it to.

When I was a teenager I just used to grab my sleeping bag and go, sometimes for weeks at a time. In fact at the age of 16 I had 10 days holiday from work so I went to Woburn Abby festival, UK 1967 to see JIMI HENDRIX headline. It was awesome! From there I went to Belgium, Germany and Switzerland for other festivals and gigs. I came home 6 weeks later to find I was fired, well I guess I deserved it, but it did not matter because I enjoyed every minute of every gig.

I am hopeful I can make it to some shows this summer, but it all depends on Nostradamus. All I can say is that he is well on the way, so if I don’t get to see some festivals this year at least I can look forward to playing some next year.

Again thank you all!!! Until next month, don’t forget to keep feeding the flames.

Regards from K.K."
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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. Downing Empty
MessageSujet: Re: JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. Downing   JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. Downing EmptyMer 11 Juil - 23:47

JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist K.K. DOWNING - "As For Playing With IRON MAIDEN, I Am Sure That It Is Inevitable..."

JUDAS PRIEST guitarist K.K. Downing's Steel Mill site has been updated with a new "Ask K.K." feature.

The following is an excerpt:

Q: I want to know, out of all the music videos that you have done, which one did you think came out the best and during which one did you have the most fun? Also, I have said this idea to many over the years, but do you think Priest and IRON MAIDEN would ever do a tour where each of you would play a full set? Both bands would play the same length of time and you could rotate who goes first and second. You could cap it off with all of you playing a duet from each band's catalogue. I could only imagine you with the Flying V and Janick Gers with his Strat together battling Eddie on stage during 'The Sentinel' and 'The Evil That Men Do'. Any possibility of this ever happening?

A: "For sure those early videos like 'Breaking The Law', 'Another Thing Coming' etc. were great fun but to be honest all of our videos have a special place for me as they are a bit like the diary of my life.

As for playing with Maiden, I am sure that it is inevitable but when and where maybe only Nostradamus had the answer to that one..."

Check out the new "Ask K.K. Downing" feature at this location.
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