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 TAROT Invade JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist KK Downing's Steel Mill;

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Nombre de messages : 17486
Age : 64
Date d'inscription : 31/07/2006

TAROT Invade JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist KK Downing's Steel Mill; Empty
MessageSujet: TAROT Invade JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist KK Downing's Steel Mill;   TAROT Invade JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist KK Downing's Steel Mill; EmptyMer 12 Sep - 23:06

TAROT Invade JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist KK Downing's Steel Mill; Full Report Online

JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist KK Downing's Steel Mill website reports:

"Pounding the World Like a Battering Ram!

First off the whole Steel Mill salutes Judas Priest for their much deserved Kerrang! Hall Of Fame award! Another great achievement in metal masters lengthy career! One of the other groups awarded that night were of the newer generation - San Francisco’s finest, MACHINE HEAD who got the Hard Rock Hero statue. During the ceremony KK exchanged greetings with the guys and you can expect a full feature covering this great band soon!

Meanwhile the meters at the Mill were pushing red as Finland’s heavy metal pioneers TAROT arrived for a visit, their guitarist Zachary Hietala was happy to answer some the questions prepared for him. Read the full report from the Interview section!

More high-octane Tarot is on offer at the Reviews area with looks into their latest opus Crows Fly Black and Steel Mill Klassik-album Follow Me Into Madness. Furthermore, a Review section includes a peek on SAVATAGE guitarist CHRIS CAFFERY’s latest solo effort.

A new set of questions and answers from fans is also up and be sure to check out other updates at Discography, Fan Forge, Biography and Links page. And remember, the winner of the huge competition will be announced right here very soon...

More updates are on the way, keep the metal faith!"
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TAROT Invade JUDAS PRIEST Guitarist KK Downing's Steel Mill;
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